
Dec 21, 2007 02:44

House Rules

1. OOC/IC issues need to be kept separate. One would think this was a given, but surprisingly, it's not always as easy as that. If two characters have a bad relationship, there's no need to take it OOC. It should never cross over. That's called being immature. It's a GAME. Take a deep breath and back away from the keyboard. If you can't handle drama, don't make it.

2. Major plot lines (i.e. death, children...) MUST be spoken about to the mods before being put into play. This is so that we don't end up with a group full of pregnant/dying/being raped/etc characters. Some control has to be - unfortunately - exercised over these issues. However, there will not be nit-picking over every tiny happening. That's an official promise.

3. Bad-mouthing other players is a bannable offense. It won't be tolerated. The last thing an RPG needs is OOC bickering going on.

4. You CANNOT kill off other people's characters. You may kill your own character, but it can only be once. In other words, your dead character is DEAD. Not coming back.

5. No God-Moding. For the love of all things good, do not do this. This is when you assume another player is doing something that he/she has not agreed to. Something as small as assuming another character smiled in response to something your character did to as big as assuming a blow your character threw landed. This is a big deal, and will not be tolerated.

6. Drama-whoring is STRONGLY discouraged. No one likes the character that always has something to cry about. No one wants to RP with the character that was raped on Thursday, lost their baby on Friday, lost their kitten on Saturday and lost their humanity on Sunday. SPACE IT OUT, please.

7. Role play should be done in 3rd person. It should be written paragraph style. We don't want asterisk or colon RP here. "Speech should be kept inside quotations," said the moderator.

8. Activity (i.e. what is expected of you to be considered active): We need to see you on AIM at least once a week if possible. Being away or invisible definitely does not count. If you aren't online, you aren't RPing. We understand that you may gravitate to one or two players, but please try to branch out. If we do not see you on for RP in three weeks, you will be given a warning. After two warnings, your character is put on suspension. After two suspensions, you're banned. (The exception to all of this is if you're on hiatus/vacation, and you have let the mods know ahead of time. And yes, we understand IRL comes first. Just please keep us informed and all will be well.)

9. The secret password is: The Dark Came and Everyone Vanished.

10. The creation of NPCs need to be given the okay by the mods. We may ask you to fill out a character bio for him/her. Please ask if you wish to create one.

11. The number of characters allowed to an individual depends on the level of activity and willingness to participate in plots and development. If you aren't online very much, and don't update your character journals regularly (even if they're for private thoughts), you will not be allowed more characters. There is a set maximum of five characters per individual, although this is strongly discouraged. Please talk to the Head Mod when thinking about bringing in a new character, as it is her decision as to whether or not you've earned the rights to a new character.

Thank you!


If rules are broken, you will be contacted by e-mail or by AIM, informed of the infraction, and encouraged to back off or face a suspension. If you continue to break said rules, you will be banned, and your character will be written out of the community story lines.

We try to be fair, and we try to be understanding. We want for this group to work, which is why this list seems long. Basically it comes down to:

Play nice, and we'll all be just fine.


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