Jul 22, 2010 16:54

Hiiii. I realise I've been more than a little MIA recently so I've come to post that I am, in fact, alive and I'm going to try and catch up with you all. :)

Since exams finished I've been catching up with friends and helping mum around the house...not to mention FINALLY getting the chance to watch The West Wing properly. It is AMAZING. One of the best shows ever. It's well written, I love all the characters and nearly every episode is utter perfection <33 Plus, it helps that I'm a huge politics geek XD I've gotten my whole family into it - I had to post Season 4 to my sister so she could watch it at her house.

My mum finished her first 6 months of chemo today :) WHOO! She's agreed with the doctor and she's going to have another 6 months just to make sure, but she was so happy she turned her Lady Gaga CD on full blast in the car earlier. It was very amusing.

So...I think that's all I have to talk about right now. I'm going to Wales in a few weeks, then it's results day (DREADING) and then Mallorca with parentals...and then, all being well: UNI! :D I'm nervous and excited, but I don't want to get too excited just incase I don't get the grades I need to go to Liverpool. So I'm kind of preparing myself for bad news just so I don't burst into hysterical tears in front of everyone if it IS bad news, if that makes sense?

But I hope I get in, I really REALLY do. I want to go there so much *fingers crossed*

rl, west wing, uni, family

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