In which Amelia Pond refuses to wait (Eleven/Amy one-shot)

May 02, 2010 22:37

Fandom: Doctor Who
Title: In which Amelia Pond refuses to wait.
Characters/Pairing: Eleven/Amy
Rating: PG-13 because of mild sexual situations and allusions to more.
Warnings/Spoilers: Set literally after the end of ep 5.
Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Doctor Who :(
Summary: The Doctor needs to think, he really needs to think. Unfortunately Amy Pond is having none of that.
A.N: I was going to write something completely different to this, but my brain obviously had other ideas. Set just after -that- scene in episode 5. Enjoy :3

It’s not exactly awkward after the Doctor pushes her into the TARDIS. Amy doesn’t give it time to be, she’s already pressed against him again, pushing his body back against the wooden doors almost as soon as he’s fully inside. The Doctor yelps, hands flat against the hard surface as her nails scratch and crawl across the fabric of his shirt to his collar, trying to undo his bowtie.

“Oy!” He manages to get out, prying her hands away, “Gerrof. Not the tie, Amelia.”

“Not the tie?” The red-head practically purrs, one eyebrow raised in that oh-so delicate way of hers, and the Time Lord knows he’s in trouble. “Ooh, Doctor, I’ll just concentrate on other items of clothing then, shall I?”

Her hands are all over him again, tugging at his braces, running across his shirt sleeves, dipping across the small of his back and down to -

“Amelia!” The Doctor warns sternly, grabbing at her hands and holding them firmly in front of him.

His expression is stern, but Amy just thinks it’s hilarious, pursing her lips and staring defiantly back at him. “Doctor,” she says to him slowly, as if she’s talking to a child, “You just said back there you were going to ‘sort me out’. Can this be the one promise you actually deliver on time?”

She’s edging towards him even though he’s holding her hands captive, and the Doctor turns his gaze to the ceiling in exasperation. By the Gods, why did he think it was ever a good idea to take Amelia Pond with him in the first place?

Her hands snake their way out of his grip, and his head is suddenly yanked forward, and he’s reminded exactly why it’s a good idea. Or an extremely very not good one. Especially as Amy’s lips are almost distracting enough for him to let his guard down and just go with it...

And there go those bloody braces again. He pulls them back to their original position, and Amy makes a noise of frustration against his mouth.

She pulls away with a quizzical eye, “I think you’re missing the point again.”

“Amelia....Amy. Amy, just - wait.” The Time Lord sighs, running a hand through his hair. This is all happening so fast that he hardly has time to think about other things, important things, things that could quite possibly save the entire planet, no, Universe, as well as the young woman currently accosting him with her hands and...other body parts.

But Amy Pond has apparently had enough of waiting. Her lips are on his again, and although all sorts of well meaning and sensible words such as ‘wedding’ and ‘Pandorica’ and ‘end of the world’ flow through his mind, the Doctor doesn’t get a chance to say them aloud. Nor does he really want to.

“Now you’re getting it.” Amy murmurs delightedly as her fingers dance across his shoulders, pushing his braces off with a flourish. This time, he doesn’t even try and move them back; he’s too busy smoothing her hair with one hand and pressing her more firmly against him with the other.

He just hopes he can find his bowtie in the morning. He thinks it landed haphazardly in the control room, and the TARDIS has a nasty habit of hoarding things.

fic, doctor who, eleven/amy, pg-13

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