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joanna_484 May 3 2010, 12:36:54 UTC
It's like the American remake of Fawlty Towers. Why mess with perfection? And, I think that when films/TV series are remade for a different audience, it's often because the producers think we won't understand the original because of it's foreign cultural setting, which is ridiculous.


rtwofan May 4 2010, 20:49:52 UTC
FAWLTY TOWERS! YES :D I'm like the only teenage American who knows what that is, cause my dad is into quirky things ^_^

But omgwtf, they remade that? Since WHEN? Why would you mess with the Cleese?


joanna_484 May 4 2010, 22:09:52 UTC
Hehe, I think I first found out about it by happening across it on PBS :) That show really is perfection!

Yeah, the American version was on a few years ago and starred John Laroquette. I watched the pilot and couldn't believe how bland and unfunny it was. Needless to say, it was pulled after a handful of eps. I should go hunting for some scenes on YT, just to see if it's as blah as I remember it to be :D


fallenmagic May 4 2010, 22:15:12 UTC
They remade it? I did not know of this either! Bloody hell. That's like someone trying to remake Blackadder (please don't tell me that's happened too). I may have to find YT clips, just to see. But woooah. o.0

think that when films/TV series are remade for a different audience, it's often because the producers think we won't understand the original because of it's foreign cultural setting, which is ridiculous.

Yes exactly! If that were the case, every American show imported across to here would be remade and changed and edited too. XD


joanna_484 May 5 2010, 01:48:45 UTC
As far as I know, they haven't remade Blackadder (yet) ;)

I found YT clips for the American version of Fawlty Towers! The series was called Payne, after the Basil Fawlty-inspired character, Royal Payne *groan*:


I'm warning you, this is difficult to watch *lol*


fallenmagic May 5 2010, 09:56:28 UTC
Ooh my dear God. I couldn't force myself through it all. Dear GOD. XD Yeah, that should never have been remade. Ever.


joanna_484 May 5 2010, 01:50:51 UTC
I found some clips on YT! The show was actually called Payne, named for the American version of Basil Fawlty, Royal Payne. Can you believe it? *shakes head in disbelief*:



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