Doctor Who: Sims-stylee Part 2

Apr 30, 2010 23:24

So yeah, I decided to continue my DW Sim adventures because they are being very amusing. And startlingly in character. Again, I've really tried not to interfere with them, only when they've decided not to eat for a while or they're about to collapse XD


And so, we're back in the TARDIS, where Amy and Eleven are talking in the library.

They're off to the control room!

...And the Doctor seems to be trying to convince Amy that going to see Shakespeare would be a good idea.

But she wants to see a planet. Now, Amy, we all know what happened last time you made the Doctor stop at a planet.

Obviously the Doctor is a bit wary of taking Amy to a planet as well.

So Amy, unimpressed with the idea of Shakespeare, goes to watch Cybermen take over the world on TV.

While the Doctor decides to go on his own adventure. (For those unfamiliar with the Sims 3, what the Doctor has on is a 3D stimulator game. The Doctor likes to play on the sci-fi setting, obviously. Amy prefers the fantasy setting.)

Messages that came up during this adventure: "Doctor's wingman cried out for help. Doctor turned his fighter and counted the 12 Zaruggian fighters on his friend's tailk. The poor Zarguggians were so outmatched."

"Doctor's fighter passed the 12th planet of the Playerquez system. The planet was truly remarkable and beautiful. A shame it would need to be destroyed in the war."

Both of these seemed very apt for Doctor Who. XD

So, while the Doctor is playing chess...

Amy 'wanders off' for an adventure of her own. The funniest thing that came up during Amy's adventures was: "The dragon took a rather hopeful bite at Amy only to bite down hard on a discarded shield. The dragon will have to try harder to roast the lovely Lady Amy!"  which I thought was quite apt for how amazing she is as a Companion. Of -course- a dragon wouldn't be able to roast her!

...With extreme results.

I love the skylines in the Sims 3. <3 And so, the next day!

Amy really likes this part of the TARDIS.

While the Doctor tries to cook breakfast.

Key word being -tries-.

Thankfully the second time round he manages not to burn the waffles.

The Doctor seems to think Amy should get rid of the empty plates.

Unfortunately, Amy has just broken the dishwasher.

But never fear!

The Doctor saves the day again. :D

pic-spam, the sims!, doctor who

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