Writer's Block: The Right to Privacy

Aug 16, 2009 16:36

Of course they should! Celebs are humans like everyone else, and everyone deserves privacy. I loooathe the media, the paperazzi and how they, literally, stalk celebs and the blogs who build them up (granted, it's mostly young women in the industry) only to tear them down, pick on their flaws and say they're too fat/have cellulite/need plastic surgery etc etc. The media culture today is disgusting and immature.

I mean, celebs obviously know they have to come out at premieres and smile and look pretty, and maybe be caught out candidly every now and again. But some of the lengths the media go to to GET those kind of candid photos are ridiculous and dangerous. I don't know why there's not a law banning them from getting x amount away from them, and if there is, why it isn't enforced. I know I'd hate a camera being shoved in my face 24/7, and then finding out the horrible things people are saying about me because (shock horror!) I'm a normal human and don't have make-up on that day, or have dressed in comfy clothes and not to the nines. I'm self-concious about my body as it is; I would definately not last being famous and having all that criticism and pressure.

Turned into a bit of a rant, that ^^;

writer's block

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