Fandom: Heroes
Title: In Which Claire Joins the Circus
Rating: PG? PG-13?
Characters/Pairings: Everyone/Claire. Ensemble
Spoilers/Warnings: Crack! Incest! Forgetfullness of that other Bennet kids name! Shameless piss-taking! Spoilers for Vol 5!
Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes :(
A/N: Written for
oohlovely'cause I love her and she needed cheering up. Crack in abundence written in about 10 minutes. Might continue this if I get the urge. No real summary except Claire decides to join the circus and breaks the news to her loving father(s)...
Dear Daddy(s), (Yes, both of you. It is such a pain to have to over-protective fathers, you know. In fact, it’s a pain to have two over-protective families. Sheesh)
I’ve decided to join the circus. Now DON’T freak out, I don’t want what happened to Peter to happen to you two, even if you don’t have the ability to become radioactive and explode. It’s why I’ve decided to tell you by letter rather than face to face, less chance of people spontaneously combusting.
I met this guy, ok, not guy, man, but he’s hot, and good-looking, makes me feel like I’m special, kinda reminds me of an ex-boyfriend ex-serial killer of mine. Don’t tell Sylar that though, or Samuel. That’s his name by the way, Samuel. He’s like, the ring-leader of this circus.
Basically, he told me that people like us can live in the open without causing suspicion. And here was me thinking I’d have to stay locked away at home until I was 200 and a dark haired, handsome man came to save me…not that I’m thinking of anyone in particular...*cough*Sylar*cough*
I’m going to become a trapeze artist/tight-rope walker. It’s so easy! Even if I fall off and fatally injure myself, it doesn’t matter! Plus, the audiences will love it; gore and blood attracts people, you know.
And anyway, this is better than my being stuck at college and becoming a lesbian because the writer’s have nothing better to do with me than give me a girl-on-girl scene to get ratings for the show, even though I am totally hot and have chemistry with every guy and girl in the cast. It’s either that or pairing me with my uncle or a serial killer (though I totes wouldn’t mind the latter…or the former, ok, either I guess. But the whole serial killer/obsession with me thing is kinda hot, so probably the latter).
I mean, Samuel’s kinda creepy in his own way. He has this funny blue glasses and I think he’s slept with this girl who has tattoos all over her; she’s in his caravan a lot naked, but they say it’s just ‘work stuff’. He’s obsessed with finding family, but I told him he can have some of mine, that is, if Sylar has finished killing them all.
Anyway, I have to go now; my act’s about to start!
Give my love to the family, and mom and Mr Muggles and…hmm, what was my brother’s name again? Larry?