Jun 03, 2009 16:11
There I was, watching a vid on YT showing Cameron completely ripping in to Gordon Brown ( very, very funny ) and the most recent commentator was someone with the name "AirFrance447" saying they had the truth about the crash. I clicked, knowing it was going to be some stupid theory, but it did make my blood boil.
Apparently the US government dilberately shot down the plane to try and divert attention from the fact that the GM corporation had gone bust. Like, WTF. Do people get off on this stuff? Where do they get their crazy theories from? They also seem to think the Illumanti is behind this, and nothing annoys me more than people getting their facts wrong about the Free Masons and things concerning all that. No, the Illumanti are not a Satanic organisation, no, Free Masons are not secretly controlling America, yes, they helped found America, but they're not seeking to take over it. The Illumanti were an organisation in the 17th-18th century looking for greater political freedom and disbanded in the same time period. Only Dan Brown thinks they are Satanic.
Crack-pot conspiracy theorists spouting this shit make me so angry, especially when it comes to events like the horrible plane crash where people lose their lives. They show no respect for the dead or the families that are trying to cope with it. It's like all those bull shit videos/politicians etc that say the Holocaust didn't happen. UGH.