Mar 20, 2007 16:41
.So I called my program cordinator to talk about readmiting me into the program no response.I did get a call from Wonderland for a job interivew this Thrusday at 4pm.Even if I get the job I dont know if I will accept it.Its quite a distance from my house so a large portion of my paycheck would be towards transporation.I would be a waitress working 8/hr/5/wk which would be great if i lived nearby but not at this distance.I guess I shouldnt complain some people have been searching hard to get even an interview so I am grateful for that.If i could find a job closer or easier to get to it would really help though.I printed my resume out last week so I need to start applying to places because this spring I am determined to get a job.(will update later)
Signing Off,
+Sexy Forever+