Aug 31, 2006 14:07
I hate to sound concieted but I honestly think this guy is obessessed with me he sounds he worships me.At first he says how beautiful I am that I am angel from heaven which was really sweet.Then after talking to me less than two weeks he says how he wants to go out with me.He lives in Ghana which I reminded him that I don't would have given him a chance if he lived in my area but I already spent a few years pining for a guy I couldnt have I wasn't going to start that again.So he says that time or distance doesn't matter because he will always love me.Then he repeatedly says this and that we will meet one day.He asked me if I could come visit him he would find I way to get me there I told him its not possible.
What really freaked me out was when he said even though we can't be together like husband and wife how we should be I want to continue to talk to you.He has dreams of us being married...scary much.He talks to me like we are married or something told I told him that I was in a bad mood and instantly he got upset he was like oh your making me so nervous your happines is mine and if you have problems they affect me.Which would be nice if lived in my area and we were going out for a while but to say this after knowing me for such a short span of time online even is creepy to me.I think he really thinks that we will get married.
So when he was talking about us going out I said we coudl be friends but that's it.So he was like I trust you that you will always talk to me.I mean he seems like nice guy but if he's not infatuated with me then what is it really?It's just all the talk of marriage,commiment and spending our lives together which he repeately says bothers me I think he is getting way more out of this friendship than I am.I told him that I hope he finds someone where he lives to like which I don't think is leading him in a way.I don't think he listened to that because he still continues to say these things.Hopefully he will find someone in his area and lose interest in me if not I going to be forced to block him I might be over-reacting but I don't feel like this is healthy.
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Sexy Forever