Well I was right ipod is over-rated I found a product that works just as good if not even better than ipod for less.
http://www.nextag.com/Creative-Labs-Zen-Nano-80328396/reviews-html I can get it the same price for a ipod shuffle that only holds 120 songs and get mine to hold 250 of mp3's so its obvious the one I am choosing is worth it plus I save myself atleast 30 dollars if i got the bigger Ipod to hold that much.Plus I don't have to go with the shipping it because they sell it at Walmart so yay.I mean a hundren and thirty more songs is a great offer and its only $69.99.The best part about it all if they give you everything you need for it to work like especially the headphones,case,and a battery that works for 18 hours straight as well as other things including warranty if it breaks.
Signing off,
+Sexy Forever+