Oct 07, 2005 01:07
So...once again, I should be doing homework. Instead, I am on this thing. Go figure. Um...yeah. So, I called out sick from work tonight. I just didn't feel like talking to people and all that other stuff that I must do at my job. Sometimes it's fun, but I felt sick today. I think I have a little cold or something, and I didn't want to walk around sniffing like a cokehead. Also, I think I had a tad too much caffeine today on an empty stomach, which gave me the jitters. Lovely, Amanda, lovely.
Someone hacked into my Myspace. I'm not sure why or how they did it. Ashley asked who the new pic was of the girl in the glasses, and I was like wtf? It turns out someone had added an eleventh picture to my collection. Now, I'm not sure how they did so since only ten pics are allowed...but at least that's all they did to my page...
Myspace has become crazy. An ex coworker of mine wrote me a comment saying that she had a table of 17 tonight. They asked her if she had ever heard of Myspace, and when she said yes, they said that they were all having a Myspace party!!! It turns out that every Thursday night at Fletchers (which, happens to be right down the street from my old studio apt.) there is a Myspace party for those over 21!! I have to go to one one of these days. I honestly don't think most of the people off of my friend's list will be there, but it'll still be fun to run into a few people I know whom I haven't seen in, what feels like, ages.
Speaking of which. It's so weird with Chad. I mean, we usually hang out on Wednesday nights, but since he had his sister's wedding rehearsal dinner to go to, we couldn't this past wednesday. We did hang out on Sunday, though, and we talked on Wednesday...I think...yeah. So why does it feel like I haven't talked to him or seen him in ages? He said the same thing...weiiiiiiiird lol. Weird in a good way, though. At least we're not sick of each other lol.
So Ashley and I are going to White Marsh mall, doing some quick shopping, getting coffee, and then going to Taxlo tomorrow night!! It should be fun!! Watch something funky happen at taxlo. (I'm superstitious and had to say that). Long story. Anyhow...yes. Good times.
If I get taken off of my parent's insurance, I'm going to fucking flip out. Now the IC has decided to send me something to get signed to verify i'm a fulltime student. but now, i'm not a fucking fulltime student. grrr. if all else fails, i'm going to take a second 7 week course, which'll add to the fucking chaos of it all, but oh well. who knows. everything happens for a reason, right? yeah, sometimes i forget that. i look back and i really think i enjoy and appreciate life a great deal more now. i'm glad i went through all the shit i did...and i mean ALL of it. it was so worth it to bring me to this point. i owe so much to a certain person who had so much faith in me. cheesy, but true. everyone else gave up and said i was doomed; they said my life would go down the drain and i'd most likely end up getting killed or killing myself by the time i was 21. ok, not everyone, but most of the ...how shall i put this..."grown ups." ha, grown ups.
um anyhow
well back to biology.
did i mention i fucking love biology.
has the caffeine gone straight to my head? ohmy