MAN things have been wonderful since Friday!! I could not have ever asked for a better boyfriend. *smile* And MAN have I been busy!!!
So, let's do a brief run-through. Friday: Liz, Jason, Josh & I all hung out, ending is seeing the latest LOTR again. Was a very good feeling day. :) Saturday: Student Congress tourny, did ok, left early to pick up pills, then spent the rest of the day with Josh, falling in Love over and over and over.... ^_^* Sunday: Went home (Josh's) for the day, and had a wonderful time while he was there, on break, before and after work. And he is so beautiful to me.
Monday: Liz came home from school with me, and we saw some friends we haven't seen since October very briefly. THEN I went to the Kent Stark "Meet You Major" night, and took a look at the Psych & Socio programs. Not bad at all, and I really liked the feel there to take a couple classes, maybe even graduate from. And I also talked to one of the Art Professors, and she was really nice, and encouraged me, as electives, to take some art courses, which I would have anyways. Tuesday/Today: Woke up really early & called my dearest Love, and went home for a little while. I almost felt like I woke up there with him... and even though I didn't, he was so beautiful in the dim light of daybreak.... I Love my Sun God so much. My days are so much brighter with him in them.
And then I got to school (almost late, lol) and in Printmaking, I was so close to finishing my one print, I took it with me to finish. And I did finish it!! MAN is it cool!! I really need to get a scanner, or a digital camera soon, so I can show you guys my pretty artwork. But Liz is gonna help me finish (touch up) this one, we're going to add some dowel rods (it's printed on a type of cloth) and then we're going to hang some feathers & charms off of it. It's going to be so cool. I am way excited. OH! Speaking of art, one of my Japanese Girl prints is going to be in the Stark County Art show next week. It's at the Canton Museum of Art. Liz's giant piece is there too, and will probably win some money, I'm just excited that people are going to see mine!!! YAY!!! And it's pretty. Oh, and the rest of the day went really well.
And now, I get to talk to REAL Japanese people tomorrow & test out my skills. I'll fill you all in on the details tomorrow, kk??
I Love you Josh!!! *kiss kiss*