Oct 07, 2005 02:10
It just hasn't been my month I guess, lol.
My job just isn't giving me enough hours, and the hours they are giving me are crowding my weekends up now that I work the trail. No social life for me... Money is great, I love it and all. Just wish it was more spread out.
Oishii died this week. It made me pretty sad. Specially since I can't really afford to buy a new fish. I love my little betas....
And this week we captured two of Dora's kittens. They're in a cage on the porch. We've been feeding them and handling them, but they aren't really sure how to react, it seems. I do think they are cute, and now we have to try & get the other two. We've gotten rid of Dora, so they'll need us real soon. I have some nice scratches on my hand thanks to one of them. -.-
School, going well. Whatever, you know, lol. I got a B on my math exam, scarily enough! I don't know how I managed that since I slept, skipped, or read through most of my classes. Oh well, lol, no skin off my back. Have to plot out my coursework soon too.
I have to admit it. I'm getting lonely again. I hate to sound needy & pathetic, but I just hate being single so much. There are so many things right now that I want to share with someone, and it's just not happening... it seems that every time I meet someone I seriously feel a connection to, it just refuses to happen. Maybe because everyone I fall for is just about some of the most difficult and stubborn people I've ever met? I'm having a little better luck with the guys at school. Twice now I've managed to make conversation, out of a pure luck situation, with the red headed kid in my english class (whose name is Jim) but never actually making anything substantial of it. Just lame stuff, ya know? And that Dorian kid in my orientation class & I had a conversation today that was pretty cool.... but I still don't think they're like attracted to me or anything. I was awfully red when I was talking to Jim tho. Partially because we were laughing so hard, lol.
Went & saw Serenity again with Bill. Still just as awesome if not cooler!!! I urge everyone to go see it this weekend, PLEASE!! The better it does, the more chance of Firefly coming back to the airwaves! Can't stop the signal!
Ok, well I must get to bed, long ass day tomorrow....
*~Tsuki No Oni~*