Sep 27, 2005 23:33
So I was recently thinking about this issue, and have raised myself quite a conundrum. I am a Pagan. I hope to marry a Pagan. And I hope to raise my children Pagan. But how do you do so in a largely Christian dominated society? How do you teach your children that when the other kids tell them they're weird or wrong for not believing in Jesus, that they're not wrong. How do you help your children grow into that? My roomate suggested not raising them with any religion, but then that allows them to fall into the mainstream, i.e. Christian culture. I want my children to choose their religion & know that no matter what, I will support their decision. But make no mistake, I do WANT them to be Pagans. Also, in a Christian family, doesn't the whole family attend church together? At such a young age, for most children, they're really not absorbing the reliousity of it, but the stories, and the time with family. It serves as a unifying activity. Argue that part all you want, but seriously, when you were 4 did you really grasp the concept of religion? Of faith? I don't think so. You went to church because that's what you were told to do, and because it was a family thing. Well I want my children to partake in family rituals, maybe attend weekly coven Esbats. They aren't expected to always partake, but at least attend, yeah? Maybe play off in a corner with the rest of the children. But be part of a family activity, you know? But then what do you do when your child comes home crying because the kids at school told him he's going to burn in hell because he's not a Christian? How do you deal with that??? And more importantly, who the hell wants their child to be hurting other kids' feelings like that.
I had a bunch more questions to go with it, but for now, this seem sufficient. Lemme know your feedback, k?