Sep 03, 2005 02:19
So later today I have a wedding to go to, and I'm talking to my family about going an every thing, but no one remembered that it will be the start of my 20th year alive. My dad is making me a cake but not one phone call at mid-night. I just have been feeling so lonely lately, I just wish that some thing would happen. I hate falling a sleep after spending a day with no human contact, clutching flat-face in my arms. I desire to get up, just getting out of bed takes most of the strengths I have most days. I realize that if I did not have a job to get up for I would never leave my bed room, okay maybe just to go to the bathroom. eating has stopped being a joy of mine, I keep finding that I am letting my stomach fully empty, hurting, stinging form stomach acids before food crosses my mine.
I am continually watching the after effects of hurricane Katrina, I every much dislike news it's too depressing. I want some thing, a purpose, some sort of meaning. Okay, I'm just noting, and not worth it.