Sep 06, 2010 15:55
Let's have a list of everything awesome going on right now, shall we?
First, we'll start with the bad things:
1.) Still no (actual) job.
2.) Have a feeling I am going to be SO ANNOYED by my classes this semester.
Now, the good things!
1.) Working a temp job until either the 14th or the 17th, which gives me a little bit of a cushion in applying for jobs!
2.) Have my money to pay for classes, parking decal, graduation fee, books, etc.
3.) Have bought 3 of 5 books, been to my 2 physical classes (vs. online).
4.) Organized my binders and they are all nice and pretty now.
5.) Influx of school-cash allowed me to pay off most bills for this month, the rest should/will be covered by working. More money would be good, then I could go to Showdown.
6.) Also was able to buy all the shit I need (new makeup, shampoo stuff, mouthwash, deodorant, etc.) and ACTUAL groceries!
7.) Also "accidentally" bought a dress that just happens to look super awesome on me. But it wasn't horrendously expensive, and the cash I earned from teaching on Friday covered the cost.
8.) Scott Pilgrim! And delicious sushi! And tempura ice cream! And FOOD COMA. And Scrabble picnic!
9.) Date (tonight)!! Good if only for my self-esteem. Hopefully it will also actually be good.
10.) DELICIOUS EFFING BREAKFAST of french toast with raspberries and scrambled eggs with red peppers and goat cheese.
11.) 5.9mi run at Percy Warner and made my goal of 10min miles! 59:00 total, feeling super accomplished woo woo.
12.) 2.4mi run last night at 8:40min/mi pace! Fastest I've run that distance yet.
14.) Was able to buy Brita filters (to last the next year!) and magnets so I will be able to have something on the fridge.
15.) Taught the blues lesson on Friday! Earned money!
16.) Free iced chai at Target on Sunday!
Basically I feel really good and am excited about EVERYTHING this weekend. The only way it could be better is if I got a phone call offering me a permanent job, I think (and if I could go to Showdown, Warrior Dash, Blues Muse, EBC, Lindy Focus, and Lone Star in addition to KLX). I am kicking so much ass right now. GO ME.
Also, I think I maybe be able to consistently be at my -10lbs weight (maybe -15lbs) by the end of the month. That would be even MORE kickass. It's so refreshing to feel like a total badass after having at least 4 months of practically hating myself. I have direction (school, plans, eventual move), goals (running, dancing, money, painting/decorating), and measurable progression (weight, school, money, running) to look towards. Everything is amazing.