May 12, 2005 20:56
LJ Interviews:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
From Elisha81 a.k.a. Something Electric
1. What is your best quality?
I think it is a tie betwene honesty and loyalty. I think they are both good qualities and very desireable to have.
2. What do you feel is your worst?
I can't say no...I constantly push myself way too hard for way to long to do things that are asked of me. I wish I could just do it sometimes, but I feel so bad just thinking about it.
3. If you could give me a nickname, what would it be from what you know about me?
Probably "Dear Heart" or "Shadow"..the first because you have a very caring heart and that from what I can tell many people hold you dear to them, including me. The second because you are a radiant sunshine to me and to others, but that things in your life block out the light so that you can't see it sometimes, but the brightest light will cast a shadow if blocked always letting you know it is there even if you can't see it.
4. What is your "comfort food" (i.e. what you eat when you want to have that full, feel good feeling in your tummy)?
Probably Ramen.
5. What is your favorite movie? Is it Boondock Saints? :)
Well, that is actually a three favorite movies that I watch over and over are Hackers, Fight Club, and Boondock Saints...good geuss though.
From Hemlock_Maiden
1- If you could be anyone living or dead, not including yourself who would you be?
I would probably like to be one of the greatest thinkers of all time. The greeks where very philosophical and wern't afraid of persecution for what they knew to be right. I wouldn't pick one of the greeks however and would instead go with DaVinci. He created schematics for things that wern't "invented" until long after he was dead, and he was a brilliant artist and writer as well.
2- If you could live anywhere where would it be?
On a large estate with mostly nature the way it was intended to be, near a coast line somewhere in the world. I would use some of the estate as a shelter or living area for people that are very much in need of a helping hand.
3- If you could be with anyone and I mean anyone, who would it be?
I would be with a person who shares my interests in all things. They would really need to bea "renesance(sp?)" person. I like to write, to draw, to read, to play games, to play sports, to work on computers, to listen to/create music, to be out in nature. I have never met anyone that shared all of my interests and eventually in a relationship I get upset if my partner isn't willing to share in everything I enjoy doing and instead limits me to just a few. They would have to be very compassionate about the world and helping the people in it. Someone who will love me for being me, and isn't afraid of a life long commitment. I don't know if anyone out there fits this, but if there is than that is who I would want to be with. I do know one person whom I think may fit this, but I am kind of afraid to open myself again even though she is a good person...and I know that she may or may not be interested, but that she is still emotionally attached to her past relationships. So in the end I don't know what will happen.
4- If given the choice, would you be a famous poet or artist?
I would prefer to be a famous poet. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I find that it is much easier to express emotions and feelings within the bounds of twisted words. I don't mean twisted as in evil, but twisted as in not meaning what it typically means. Art is a wonderful thing, don't get me wrong, but....I like words better even if I can't spell.
5- If God came down today, to claim those who are his, and your true love, had to stay behind, what would you do?
I need to think on this one and will answer it later.