Buying a DS will make you immune to polio, give you the power to communicate with rodents, as well as improve your complexion and doubles as a handy dinner setting.
In all seriousness, it depends on what you want to do. I can't deny that DS is the biggest selling handheld worldwide, and the games on it are great. But is it something you'd use, or are you just saying "I should get something"
I've been playing my bf's DS and I feel bad, I'd rather have my own so I don't have to feel guilty everytime I pretend to go to bed early while he's playing WOW cuz I really wanna play Princess Peach or Cooking Mama... lol...
Well seems to me like you're answering your own question... BUT, do you really need your own DS? Where's the harm in sharing? I mean, you are living together and all that. :P
Buying a DS will make you immune to polio, give you the power to communicate with rodents, as well as improve your complexion and doubles as a handy dinner setting.
In all seriousness, it depends on what you want to do. I can't deny that DS is the biggest selling handheld worldwide, and the games on it are great. But is it something you'd use, or are you just saying "I should get something"
It's your call.
They're my guilty pleasures ;)
If you'll play vs games (Clubhouse Games anybody?) then by all means, it's a great idea.
But if not, spend your $199 on some games instead.
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