(no subject)

Jul 21, 2005 08:03

In about half an hour, I have to go over to Greylock Elementary School, to "observe" the program that I'll be working in *IF* I get that job working with autistic children for the fall. I'm surprised Toni said I could take the car.

Nothing much has really been happening. I'm a boring person.

The chances of us 3 kids & my dad getting my mom's life insurance money has slightly increased. My dad just has to fill out all the original paperwork (we couldn't do anything without him, so we were getting NOWHERE) & then I think that's it. But we'll see what happens.

I took my practice test for the job last night. There was 90 questions all together, but 15 didn't count against me (random 15 I guess). So out of 75 questions, I got 62 correct. The state passing score is 464, & I got 473. I wish that was the real one, then I wouldn't be worrying about it so much. But looking back on what I got wrong, it was simple mistakes (well some of them). I just need to read better. Then again, there's NEVER a quiet moment in this house, so it was a bit hard to concentrate. I got the most wrong in the Math area, but that was expected. I HATE math, I can't do it! Anyone wanna tutor me? I'll pay you with love, & lots of it! ♥

Today is pay day. *Groan* I'd be more excited, but 1) since I'm back to the shitty hours, it's back to shitty paychecks & 2) Most of it is spent already & if it's not spent, it's going in the bank. I usually live off of $20.00 for two weeks. I try to anyway, sometimes I need to withdraw, which I HATE doing.

Tim is heading back to Georgia on the 13th. But I'll have more to say about that another time.

Does anyone have the song "Cool" by Gwen Stefani on their computer? I want it, send it to me please? I'll love you forever & that should be MORE than enough reason to send it to me. ;]

I'm ordering a digital camera, very soon. It'll cost me nearly $200.00, which I really can't afford, but even buying the cheaper one I'd be spending the same, since I'd need a memory card, so. But that means I can take pictures, & show all of my LJ friends! I know they love me, even if some never comment *ahem.. Jazz* ♥

Haha, I just ran out of things to say, so I was looking around my room for something interesting to write about. I'm lame. =P

Suppose I'll finish getting ready. Comment!

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