Sugar Bondage, Slave Labor, and Kittens.

Oct 23, 2006 20:47

That's right.


Damn Sugar. Making me addicted to it so that I have to eat it. Constantly.

Stupid, Stupid Sugar.

Yes. Stupid, FAT Sugar.

awww, poor sugar, you may say. but NO!

Do not pity the retched substance! *pets a random kitty like a bond villan*
*cat looks scared and confused*

I just ate gum & I really don't even like gum. the stuff I just ate gave me a headache.... that or my cat collar is cutting off the circulation to my head. I have furry leg-warmers. yes. Leg warmers, I say!

I made them.

from cloth.

...that is fuzzy.

I'm a kittum-bit.

I tried to save a kitty last night in the Wal*Mart parking lot. I spent like AN HOUR AN A HALF trying to make friends with this little kitten hiding under a car. Humans offer their help at the most inopportune times. If the darn humans hadn't kept intefering I would have been able to catch this cute tiny kitteny-bit of cute-ness. I connected with the kitten. I got it to touch me. It wrapped its paw around the tip of my finger after pouncing on my hand. (I persuaded it to play with me after acting like a giant weird-looking kitty.) I was meowing at it & purring & playing the cat version of peek-a-boo around a tire. ohhhh it was so cute! It was a maine coon without the bushy tail. it had a white patch on its chest. So small and cute. I chased my furry prey (friend) under like three cars & behind some vending machines. but people kept offering help or would come to close to the cat for comfort. I mean the cat got from where it wouldn't let me five-three feet near it to letting me HALF AN INCH away from it's nose! it didn't like it when my fingers were extended. I guess that made it look kinda like claws. I think it figured I was just as timid as it was because whenever it would back away, I would too. if I got that much progress done in an hour & a half, imagine what I could have done WITHOUT the people bothering me.

Someone told me the kitty got hit after these goth-people came out of wal*Mart & used the vending machine & scared off the cat.

*sigh* I have sustained non-self-inflicted injury (the first of a LOONNNNNG time) over this kitten. (I scraped my knee) but my knee was numb from being on cold pavement... so I didn't feel it right away.
Darn People!


Then I got the ultimate crushing news. Some guy said that a cat had gotten run over out back behind W*M.

I wanted to cry.

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes.

I was so depressed.

I still miss the kitten.

I can't believe I got that cat to trust me without offering anything but a chance to play & a friend.

No food.

No water.

Just... a furry friend.

I even got it to come to me... not in touching distance, but it came over from about five feet to a foot away from me behind the vending machines.

Darn you people.

Darn you all the Heck... except John.

.........but then again... He's not a person, now is he?

The question of where Slave labor comes into this?


it doesn't.
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