[Action/Voice] 007

Aug 10, 2011 22:23


[It's late at night, late enough when most people are asleep. Alexei is one of those people...or well, was. His journal had been placed aside, but it can still pick up sounds. Roughly it picks up someone violently waking up. Alexei found himself wandering into memories he didn't like to recall. They were quick flashes, but his moments ( Read more... )

~sanji, ~r. giles, casey? what casey?, pondering, ~eggman, ~duke pantarei, am i dead yet?, ~moses sander, ~tomoya okazaki, mikan orchards has a healing factor, ~marco, !action, ~tsubaki yayoi, haha wasn't affected, !voice, ~monkey d. luffy, ~nefertari vivi, come at me namipie 8|, i feel better from finding your flaws, ~yuuka kazami, reminiscing about the past, ~iroh, is so late, ~nami

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[Voice] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 02:58:46 UTC
[Such an out of the blue question to be heard so late at night.]

In my own world I had few aims. I had power, and the peace that came with it knowing people feared me, as people often kept their distance from such frightening strength. [...] I would bet my life on nothing. I only wish to die when I no longer have power. Were I to lack power, then I might as well be dead.


[Voice] fallenambitions August 11 2011, 03:04:40 UTC
[That's what happens when you can't sleep.]

So you find peace through oppressing others? Were you treated otherwise without this power?


[Voice] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 03:15:32 UTC
I never did much in terms of oppressing others. Rather, it simply came to be known I was powerful and not one to mince words. As such, people kept away from me.

And I have never known a moment where I have been without this power, therefore I cannot say how I was or would be treated~ [She imagines if she did lose her power now for whatever reason, there would be a lot of people willing to take advantage of that.]


[Voice] fallenambitions August 11 2011, 03:40:30 UTC
And you're satisfied with that. [He's not sure whether he should pity this person or not.]

So the power you have is increased strength?


[Voice] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 03:51:08 UTC
Most satisfied! I was happy spending my days tending my gardens, not being disturbed by mindless humans and youkai.

My power is... [How would she describe it?] Unique~ It has not come from strength. Rather, I have just always seemed to have had it.


[Voice] fallenambitions August 11 2011, 03:56:24 UTC
[Geez, another garden keeper.] Youkai?

Unique in what way? Although you're free not to answer that.


[Voice] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 04:13:31 UTC
[Can never have too many gardens~] Have you not heard of youkai either? Dear me.

My power, or rather ability, is to manipulate flowers. I say it is unique as I have yet to meet anyone with a similar power to mine~


[Voice] fallenambitions August 11 2011, 04:33:36 UTC
Afraid I haven't. It's expected in a place like this.

[...Now what is so frightening about that? He could just burn them.] I see. That explains why you would find comfort in a garden.


[Voice] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 04:40:09 UTC
I suppose so~ Though I have met a few who are already knowledgeable about a few youkai. But as you say, there are so many people it is expected some would know, and some would not.

Don't get me wrong, I do not always need to be in a garden. I can quite easily grow a new field of flowers so I can be equally powerful wherever I may go. [And if he ever expressed his ideas to burn those flowers, she can always resort to a parasol stab to the face.]


[Voice] fallenambitions August 11 2011, 05:14:53 UTC
Do you mind explaining to me what a Youkai is then?

[Pff a parasol? That it?] Well that's not exactly what I meant, more like your affinity towards them. It's just flowers, not other plant life?


[Voice] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 05:27:30 UTC
Very well, if only to enlighten an ignorant human~ [She always seems to end up talking to humans one way or another, so assumptions away!] Youkai are generally deemed naturally more powerful than your average human. Anything from everyday objects to household pets may become youkai, providing they are strong enough and have lived a long life~ Even humans in some cases.

[Ahaha yeah, flowers and a parasol. Not deadly at all-- But then she kills you.] Indeed, only flowers. I can also fell trees, but that isn't so much manipulating them as it is knocking them down. [Don't be underestimating her flower power now.]


[Voice] fallenambitions August 11 2011, 05:42:31 UTC
Really. Is becoming a Youkai a natural process then in your world? [He is honestly not bothered by the insults. He knows very well what he is capable of and isn't going to let others tell him otherwise.]

I see. I suppose one can use flowers to move such a large object. [Not worried, already dead. Still not so impressed.]


[Voice] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 12:28:58 UTC
Essentially, yes~ I knew of an old marionette who after an awful long time of being left alone eventually matured into a youkai. [That doll was quite like her actually.] Oh, and of course you can be born a youkai too.

I don't use my flowers for this however. I have other methods to knock down trees, humans or anything else which may bother me~ [Like spellcards.]


[Voice] fallenambitions August 11 2011, 17:33:30 UTC
Very interesting. [...] Would it be able to animate the dead as well?


[Voice] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 17:50:21 UTC
Animating the dead? Hmm... Well there are ghost youkai, as well as zombie youkai, so I wouldn't say it isn't possible. There might even be a youkai out there capable of imbuing life into the dead~


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