Fic list

Nov 19, 2012 22:18


This journal is my terrible hiding place for all my fannish activities, with very scant IRL entries. Friend away, if you want!

Simple user guide: The stories are organized by alphabetical-order fandom. Within each fandom, the fics run from most recently written to oldest. I abdicate responsibility for the pre-2005 anime entries Format for each entry gives the title, main character or pairing, the rating, summary, warnings/spoilers and the month/year written. 
Boardwalk Empire
Sheela Na Gig. Margaret/Lucy NC-17. Maybe your cunny isn't quite the draw you think it is. 1/11

Archimedes' Principle. Rothstein/Luciano NC-17. Rothstein relieves himself. 1/11

Gift Horse
. Gillian + Jimmy PG-13. Jimmy has a thing about presents and his mother. 1/11

Cowboy Bebop
Ran. Vicious/Julia/Spike PG-13. The last birthday Syndicate Spike ever got. 1/11

All we know is falling. Vicious/Julia/Spike PG-13. Nestling the gun barrel in her shiny shiny hair, Vicious tells Julia a story. 08/07

Past perfect. Spike/Julia PG-13. An exercise in exquisite futility. 1sentence. 07/07

Valhalla. Spike PG. Spike has a fever dream. 03/01

Death Note

Cheap Date. Matt/Mello R. And they say romance is dead. High school AU, genderswitch. 06/09

Blackout. Matt/Mello R. Eat, drink, and be married, for tomorrow we-08/08

Closet Needs. Matt/Mello PG-13. Matt plays housewife. 06/08

Right-Hand Man. Matt/Mello R. Pillow talk, minus pillows. 06/08

Player King. Matt/Mello R. Mello is a natural actor. 04/08

Breaking and Entering.
Matt/Mello R. Illicit activity. 03/08

Hero Worship in Three Messy Steps
. Matt PG-13. Matt started smoking because of television. Episode 35 spoilers. 03/08

it’s the beat. Matt/Mello R. Matt has excellent timing. 03/08

Get Backers

Tactile. Kagami/Sakura PG-13. Kagami likes to touch. 02/08

Grudge. Ban R. It was that earnest bastard Ginji’s fault. 08/07

Kill Bill

Device O-Ren/Sophie, O-Ren/Go Go R. 06/06.

Strictly Business
Vernita PG-13. Vernita Green was a practical woman. 03/04

Mad Men
cities change before they die. Pete/Ken NC-17. He didn't want to go to Kenny's stupid party. Season 4.4 spoilers. 10/10

her voice is full of money.
Betty PG. Kinsey and Campbell aren't the only failed writers. Season 1. 10/10

all the way up to heaven. Joan PG-13. You really know how to put a spanking to a man. Season 4.3, 4.4 spoilers. 8/10

swallowing glass just to stay pure. Pete + Peggy PG-13. You two have a secret relationship. 7/10.

Brass Ring. Pete/Peggy PG. It's not a wheel, it's a carousel. Season 3.13 spoilers. 1/10

Haridwar. Hildy/Peggy, hints of Harry/Hildy, Ken/Allison & Hildy/Joan PG-13. What's so great about Saltaire? Season 3.13 spoilers. 12/09

Spousal Privilege. Roger/Joan, Trudy/Pete PG. How gossip about Don Draper travels. Season 3.13 spoilers. 12/09

Hospitality. Don/Trudy/Pete NC-17. Don catches ill, and Trudy nurses him back to health in her own, um, special way. Season 3.13 spoilers. 11/09

I Am a Gentleman. Don/Roger R. Roger does his hardest sell. Season 3.13 spoilers. 11/09

Screwball. Ken/Allison PG. The ballad of Ken and Allison wouldn’t fill a page. Season 3.13 spoilers. 11/09

Office Wife
. Pete + Hildy (gen) PG. "He may act like he wants a secretary, but most of the time they're looking for something between a mother and a waitress." Sometimes, even Pete Campbell gets it right. Season 3.13 spoilers. 11/09

Venus of Urbino. Betty PG-13. Just what was in those letters to Henry? Season 3 “Wee Small Hours” spoilers. 11/09

Business Casual. Pete/Peggy PG-13. Peggy Olson is a good pledge. Modern-day AU. 10/09

Mark Your Woman. Hildy/Joan PG. Response to prompt “ladies’ room.” 10/09

The Graduate. Peggy/Joan R. Response to prompt “submission.” Season 3 “The Souvenir” spoilers.

I’ll make you a deal. Trudy/Pete PG-13. You’re not bad, you’re just no good. Season 3 “The Souvenir” spoilers. 10/09

valkyries don’t smile. Hildy PG. Four times Hildy was serious, and one time she wasn’t. 09/09

Metal Gear Solid

Triptych The Boss/Eva PG-13. She would be saved. Response to prompt “birds.” Mildly AU. 03/05


Everything Artifice, Everything Rinsed (1/2). Gwen/Morgana, Gwen/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, brief Morgana/Uther PG-13. Gwen tackles a new job at Uther-Cooper. Mad Men x-over. 08/09


Blinder. Neji/Hinata PG-13. Even after all this time, Neji still needs to know. Future!fic, Chapter 385 spoilers. 02/08

Straightforward Tenten PG. Tenten isn’t like the other Konoha kunoichi. 02/08

Nothing Serious. Shino/Hinata PG. For such quiet kids, they are kind of rebellious. 10/07

Unoriginal Sin. Itachi/Sasuke R. Little Sasuke wants. 08/07

Blot out the sun Octavian/Octavia R. Caesar dreams. 12/10

Just a taste Octavian/Maecenas R. I would invite myself to one oft-visited. 12/10

The Grand Retour
. Seto/Mokuba R. The prodigal brother returns. Future!fic. 03/09.

Chill. Seto/Mokuba PG-13. Kaibas snarking on a cold NYC day. 01/06

Demarcation. Seto/Mokuba PG-13. Drawing lines, in more ways than one. 07/05.

Holidays. Seto/Mokuba PG. 06/05

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