Jan 25, 2010 01:49
First off: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Hello Livejournal! It has been quite sometime since I have written anything and I think its about time I gave an update on my boring life haha. Quite a bit has happened in the last 7 months or so. Some good and not so good things. So here we go:
First off, my grandfather passed away last August after battling dementia for a long time. It was hard, but also a relief for my family and I because we know he is no longer suffering and is at peace with my grandmother. I think what also got us all through it was that we were all here for one another. My family is truly the best! I couldn't ask for a more wonderful family. I miss my grandfather everyday. After he passed, a month or so later I had a dream with him and he appeared in my dream. The most amazing and beautiful part of my dream was that he came to me to let me know that he was fine. He looked at me, smiled and told me not to worry. One of the best dreams I have ever had. Ever. I'll forever miss and love you Lelo <3
What next... Oh! So I met a guy last summer as well. Its quite a long story so bare with me. Back in August I had a really bad tooth ache and I needed to get it checked out of course. The thing was I hated my dentist and I didn't want to go back to him again, so I wound up going to the dental department at the hospital. I was an emergency patient so you have to wait forever to see someone and blah blah. Waiting the hour and a half was so worth it because my dentist wound up being super hot! Not only hot, but young(26)! Haha. So, I wind up finding out that I have to have a root canal done. You would think that would put a major damper on my new found happiness, but it didn't lol. Anywhoo, I wind up having to go back like 4 more times and within those 4 appointments we flirted, talked quite a bit, laughed quite a bit and all that good stuff lol. But the major WOOT moment was on the Monday before my birthday. It was truly the best gift ever lol. I went in got whatever work done. We talked and flirted as always. Then something different happened. Before I left he told me that if I had a lot of pain in my tooth to call in and come in as an emergency. Then he said something like, actually, let me give you my number so you can call me and let me know so you won't get seen by another dentist. No, the number wasn't a pager number or his doctor cell number. It was HIS private number! What doctor does that?!? lol. I was basically in complete shock because by this point I was already in love with my dentist haha. I came home after my appointment went on Facebook and looked him up and of course found him. It took me about 15 minutes to decide whether or not I should add him as a friend. Yes, 15 minutes lol. We basically talked on FB for hours! Just getting to know one another and whatever. Then the day after my birthday we went out. To make this already long story a bit shorter, he's my boyfriend now =] He's such a great guy. I really, really like him. Its seriously about freaking time I met someone great! After all the horrible guys I've dated or met the past few years. Waiting and not looking actually works! Haha. But seriously, he's pretty much the guy of my dreams, as cheesy as it may sound (I don't care). We have a lot in common, he's super silly and dorky like I am, which is a major plus! We laugh A LOT together and we just basically have a ton of fun together. I love spending time with him. I never fail to have a good time with him. He is a really great person. I'm so glad my old dentist was such a douche box lol. =]
October was probably the best month of last year for me. Not only did I start to hang out with Eric, I also got a job. It may have been a temp job, but I did such a great job and my supervisor really liked me that she offered me a permanent position at the company last week! WHOOP!
Nothing has ever worked out so well for me. Ever *knocks on wood*. I haven't been this happy in a really long time. Life is good. I couldn't ask for anything more. My health is good, I've got a great boyfriend, I've got great friends and family, I've got a good job and I'm happy. what more could a girl ask for? <3
Oh, I forgot to mention this before. The only kind of issue with Eric is that he's moving to California in the summer time... Yeah I know major bummer, but he asked me if I would go with him. We haven't really had a serious decision about this. We've talked about it briefly and he always likes to bring it up in convo quite a bit. We decided that we would seriously talk about it in March. I have been thinking about it ever since he told me about it. I try not to think about it all that much but its kind of hard not too. Basically, I'm leaning towards going depending on how everything between us works out. But here are some of my reasons for going:
1. I get the hell out of NYC. Finally!
2. If I don't go I know I will regret it forever.
3. If I don't like it out there, I could just come back home.
4. I could possibly get a job in the film industry thanks in part to his sister.
and last but not least:
5. Its California!
The only reasons I have for not going are of course: my family, close friends and my cat. As they are HUGE reasons for not going, I know that they will support me in whatever I do. I don't know so much about my cat because he'd probably hate me lol.
I guess we shall see what happens..
(Warning: From this point on its going to be very random. You have been warned.)
Next topic, Valentine's Day. BOOOOOOOO! Haha. We all know that I HATE this stupid day! I know hate is such a strong word, but its the damn truth! You would think I would feel differently about it because I have a boyfriend, but I don't lol. Its just not possible for me to like it. I told Eric that I hate it and now he's making it his job to get me to like Valentine's Day. My words to him "good luck!" lol. Maybe he can change my mind. You never know... Although I do know and its no haha.
My brother turned 17 last week! 17!! Where the hell does time go?!? *sigh* I love my little brother. He is the best, but he needs to stop growing so damn fast! lol.
The winter Olympics starts next month! And which girl is excited?!? This girl is! lol. I wish the Olympics were every year. I can't stand this 4 year bullshit! Its not fair! Haha. I can not wait for the summer Olympics in 2012! I'm still hoping i'll be able to go *fingers crossed*
I need to buy a new laptop ASAP! The one I have now has totally gone for shit and gave out on me over the summer. I'm lucky I can even get on the internet! I already know which laptop I want. I just need to figure out how to get $700 to buy a new one haha. This is when I say, I need to hit the lottery.
Ok I am running out of things to write about and I'm super tired. With that being said farewell my friends, but not without a quote:
"Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present."