Jun 20, 2009 02:14
Just when you thought life couldn't get more boring it does! I am literally laying on my bed staring at my ceiling. My ceiling that used to have those glow in the dark stars but doesn't anymore..
It really makes me sad that I'm not doing anything with my life. Its not like I don't want too but its kind of hard to do anything fun or exciting when you don't have money because to have money means to have a job and I still don't have one of those.
I've become so bitter and angry and I don't know why. I've become accustom to sitting around and doing nothing so much that when someone asks me to hang out I say no and then complain I have nothing to do *smacks forehead* but I mean again its not like I can go out because I have no money to do so.
Not only have I become bitter and angry I have also become very stressed out which sucks even more then being angry because the stress is giving me panic attacks every now and then, which by the way are fucking scary as hell!
The only thing at the moment that I am looking forward to is having my best friend come back to NYC and actually living here for an extended amount of time until he leaves me again lol which I'm going to try very hard not to let happen because I miss him so much and I hate not having him around.
On a lighter note I am still obsessed with Star Trek and I am still planning on seeing it for a 3rd time. Even if I have to go by myself! I don't care I need to see it again! lol. My mom told me the other day "just wait until it comes out on dvd and you can watch it whenever you want." I looked at her with the evil eye and said "do you not realize it won't come out on dvd for another 4 or 5 months?!? I can't wait that long!!!!" lol sorry but this girl needs to see it again ASAP! Haha. I tried to find a decent copy online but let's face it, it wouldn't be the same...sigh lol.
True Blood started last Sunday! Ahh my Sundays finally have meaning again! Haha. I'm just so happy to see Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgård), who is by far the sexiest bad boy vampire ever! Haha. I just love that freaking show! The books are even better! If you are looking for a good series to read you should definitely read The Sookie Stackhouse series! I promise you won't be disappointed. But its not your standard vampire series, its much, much more then that! And its definitely not like Twilight at all! So if you were turned off by Twilight this will turn you right back on haha. I think I may like this series better then Twilight. I know I definitely like the TV show better then the damn movie lol.
Speaking of Twilight...New Moon better be freaking fantastic or I swear I will punch someone in the throat! lol. If I have to sit through another piece of crap movie I don't know what I will do with myself lol. The new trailer didn't disappoint me, I was actually excited after watching it but then I realized I got the same way after seeing the Twilight trailer for the first time and I think we all know how I felt after seeing the movie and not being as excited lol. OH! Rob Pattinson is filming his new movie 'Remember Me' in NYC! I am yet to go and check it out but I will definitely be doing that before he leaves. But I do promise I will not be like those girls who attacked him in the street the first day of filming or the girls who almost got him hit by a taxi! They are just crazy ass bitches haha.
I wanted to start writing a screenplay but I have no good ideas! The minute I decided I wanted to put my time and effort into something my dreams just started to become so boring! I usually have these really awesome/weird dreams that would make a good story but I've gotten nothing useful out of them lately which just pisses me off! Ugh!
You know what I've just realized the weather we have been having here in NYC doesn't help my mood either. Its been cloudy, rainy, muggy and just all around crap weather for like the past 4 weeks! During those 4 weeks we probably had about a weeks worth of nice weather! It freaking blows!
I wish I was in Florida or really anywhere far away from here. Soo sick of NYC.
Omg! I totally forgot to mention the hot new neighbor I'm going to have!! Haha. So a few days ago I heard the owner of the building talking to these two dudes in the hallway so being the nosey Puerto Rican that I am I went to listen and look through the peep hole lol. As I was doing so the guy who's moving upstairs from me happened to be going up to the apt. and all I can say is that he's a cutie! And he looks like he's in his middle to maybe late twenties, has black hair and is tall. That's all I could gather from looking through a peep hole lol but don't worry I'll be sure to get a good look when he moves in next month! I'll be knocking on his door with some fresh baked cookies! Haha yeah right! With my luck he'll either be gay or have a girlfriend lol.
Is it just me or is this entry bipolar?!? lol seriously I go from sad and angry to excited! Haha. Oh wells.
With that I think I am done with my ranting. Thanks for tuning in! Haha. Ugh I'm such a dork.
Can't say goodbye without a quote!
"The best way out is through." - Robert Frost.
rob pattinson,
true blood,
star trek,
new moon