Mar 08, 2008 19:14
So Anthony is back home. I was so excited for him to come back home! I was crazy excited actually. That all changed once I actually saw him and how the night went. It's a long story so bear with me.
I go out to dinner with anthony on tuesday night. The minute I see him I flip out and I run to him and give him like 4 huge hugs! It wasn't weird like I thought it would of been...but that all changed as soon as we got to uno's and sat down and actually started talking about stuff. He starts telling me about being home and how he finally got to meet his niece. He tells me some funny stories of things that him and his friends did while in Iraq. He goes from talking about his fam and friends to some chick who he hasn't seen in a few years. I'm like ok he then continues to say "yeah it was funny because I haven't seen her in awhile he she was kind of all over me" and blah blah. I was kind of like hmm lol. He then goes on to say "but I wasn't feeling her so you know I just brushed her off. So I just told him "wow thats odd" and "well that's cool that you didn't cause if it was some other guy who was an asshole he would of taken advantage of it" His response "yeah I think I might become one of those guys. An asshole." WHO THE HELL SAYS THAT THEY WANT TO BE AN ASSHOLE!?! I was like "huh did you really just say that?" He was all like "yeah because I'm done with the whole being nice guy and getting hurt or not getting what I want" He's a fucking idiot! Haha. Anyways I'm getting to the good parts! He then continues later in the convo to tell me about this girl he met in Ohio when he was heading home. I'm going to make this short and to the point. She works in the airport, he walked by and she caught his eye. They wound up talking for like 6 or 7 hours and now apparently they are "in love" LMAO!! The thing that made me crack up in front of his face when he was telling me is that he said she started crying and didn't want him to leave and then gave him a big dramatic kiss! Give me a break!! Haha. I'm sorry but that is a bit much. I know I'm def not wrong lol. Anywhoo he claims that she was really beautiful but clearly she is not. And I'm not just saying that because he's my ex or whatever but she's really not pretty lol.
I just thought it was funny because clearly while he was telling me this he was trying to make me jealous or uncomfortable, which he didn't and therefore making me laugh at him haha. But I was pissed because he tells me all of these things like "he'll always love me" and "i'll always have his heart no mmatter what" and then above all of the he kisses me and I'm like ooook lol. Apparently now he's with that chick! He IMs me the other night calling me "baby" and "mama" and asking me when are we gonna hang out again cause he wants to see me again before he leaves. I told him I don't know. I don't want to see him again to be honest because if he were to like try and kiss me or something I think I would flip out and be like "umm you have a girlfriend" Haha.
But whatever. I really honestly thought he wasn't like other guys. I thought he was different and better then them, but clearly he has become the person he wanted to be and that is an asshole.
"Don't cry for a man who's left you, the next one may fall for your smile." - Mae West