Nov 13, 2005 22:22
today/yeseteerday was basicly really successful/funly amazing i dont even kno!!!!!
random acts of kindnes make me feel good!!
-allie sent me a letter!!! i laughed i cried it rocked
-i went to work and felt really accomplished just cuz!!
-i worked 18 hours this weekend, completellyed my hw up until tuesday and i had it all done by 1pm today!!!
-i went on about one of the best if not the best walk of my life!!! randomness is basicly my hero!!
-iiiiii got to listen to my mom fight the neighbors about a pile. . .man they crack me up
mom:welll if i left the leaves there theey would get all slick and the kids could get hurt becuz if the cars slide over teh wet leave slick then it'd be bad
random guy:um seriously tho like tell me how many of those kids actually got seriously hurt by slideing on the leaf slick
mom:um i was talkinga bout the cars swerving
-i got to watch mi amor (Jonah) sing like an angel!!
-I got to go on a date with mi amor LUCY!!!
-i got free food!!
-i've got a 4.0 gpa (which means that i have a B in chem but its alll goooood)
-i've made plans to eat flavors!!!! FLAVORS!!
-i heard liek 100000 songs today i liked both on the radio and uh just being sung and such
-i got to go where i needed for a sense of "closure" lol sounds lame but man i needed it
-uh i dont know but it just all rocked!!!!
-YAY!!!! double yay!!!
-im going to get to go to bed early!!!!!!!!!!!
SO SO SO SO SO MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!!! I FREAKING LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! man im surpized im still wearing socks becuz they normaly get rocked off by moments like this!!