Oct 12, 2004 17:31
well him i have been 16 since 4:35 pm....lol. its been a very long day. we r doing the end of the quarter fitness tests in pe. hmm. i missed sit ups and pull ups yesturday. today we did the mile runm which i cant do, and the sit and reach. yay for me i whooped everyones ass in that one, 50 inches....woot woot!!! second place was sum skinny preppy girl with 45....hahahahahaha. srry im in a good mood today i guess. math was easy, we r doing logorithims, which is my 2nd fav, first is matrices...lol. health science was a breeze cuz we r still working on the circulatory system, and all of u should know that that is my fav. and history was boring as ever, so i went to mrs grasso's room again.
so on tonights homework list
-200 math problems (half done already but then i fell asleep)
-read ch 8 for pe make up test
-30 fill in questions for history
-size pictures for health fair board
none of which i want to do rigth now so i will prolly wait till 11, then decide im too tired....hmmmm....sounds like a plan to me.
but right now i think i am hungry so i shall eat....now what to eat, that is a tough question. i really want prime rib and mashed potatoes, but the most likely answer is leftovers from last night (shrimp alfredo yummy)