Wow! Time has gone by!

Apr 22, 2008 12:43

It has been way to long since I last updated.  I dont think anyone on my friends will read this but I'm posting b/c honestly, I've miss LJ.  Myspace blogs are cool and all but I am more able to spill my heart out right here!

Things have gone crazy in my life.  I've lost alot of things that never should have been put in jeopardy to begin with.  I've learned that Beth, who I thought was a best friend was nothing more than a lying sack of shit.  I've also gained a couple true soliders.

First off, Neil is the love of my life at this moment in time.  I'm hoping for it to last longer than it already has.  We've been on and off for about a year and 5 months now.  More off than on this past 6 to 8 months.  I love him deeply tho.  He's one of the few out there that accepts me for the real me and will love me regardless of my flaws.  He's tolerated more than he should and it's a sign that we will stand together for longer than I have with others in the past.  But dont let me make him out to be some perfect man, he too has his flaws.  We are working thru things.  All I ask for is a lil of his attention.

Work is just that.  I enjoy the job I have and am working hard at it.   This is the longest I've ever stayed at a job and it's been over a year.  I've struggled to stay here and I'm hoping to continue in my position.  I'm fighting them tooth and nail.  Not so sure it's the doctors so much any more but it's no big deal.  I do my job and stick to myself with my head phones in my ears.

Music has been inspiring me.  Neil gave me a beat to write to.  I did it and it's good, at least to me.  I'm working hard at finishing the last verse.  It's been hard cuz I've been running around every where lately.  Motivation is lacking I guess.

I'm in therapy.  Been doing that for about 5 months.  Working out well for me.  Finally figured out some medication that's keeping me stable.  It's for the best I keep my head straight with everything the Shack Rats have been dishing out to me.

That's the heart breaking part.  I had my shit together was living with Beth, Jason and Trevor.  Shit was well but Jason got his SSI and all the sudden I come home from Toledo and seeing Brandon and all my shit is out in the front yard.  Shit just got worse from there.  Beth started to spread around a nasty rumor and everyone shit just got to the point I had to go on with my life.  I'm not in between places of living.  I'm more at my mom's then anywhere.  They are still harassing me.  I can't go visit Timmy who lives down the street from my old place.  Kids, I swear!

Neil and I are suppose to be getting a place.  I'm working on keeping him on it.  But we will see what happens soon enough.  My uncle is moving out of my mom's and I'm welcome to stay there if need be.  I'm glad things are working out with my mom the way they are.  I needed to build some sort of relaitonship with her again.  It was about time to get my life back on track with my closest family.

Anyway, I am at work and do need to get some shit done.  I'm out of there at 3:30pm.  Then I have  no clue what I'll be doing.  I hope to be updating this more often.  We shall see tho!

<3 kimi
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