No One Reads...

Jan 27, 2007 13:07

As I figured, no one reads anymore.  I'm not to bothered by it.  Gives me a place to vent and no one will read what i have to say.  Basically I've been used.  My girl would hang around EVERYDAY, blow me up to chill.  She had this HUGE crush on one of my friends and now that she got his number 2 weeks ago, she doesn't come around anymore.  I'm trying hard not to be to hurt over it.  I just want to scream, to cry, to cut.  But I'm not going to.  I should have seen this coming a MILE away.  Who would want to hang around me anyway...

In other news, I finally got a job.  I'll be working at Greenfield Village as of Feb 22nd.  It sux I gotta wait that long to start.  But it's ok.  I'll have a job.  That's the only important thing to me honestly.  I'm going to save up to take my certification and then I'm going to have a bomb ass job.  Till then, I'm waiting.  I'll make my own life after that.  I won't live in the shadows of the past.  I need to spread my wings and escape from this rain storm.

Anyway...I'll be back someday soon.

<3 kimi
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