Woohoo! Im online again!!!

Sep 03, 2006 05:16

Hi! Im so glad that Kyle got my internet back and computer running. Anyway, long time no talk. I have been very busy lately, working my ass off, literally, and having a whole lot of fun! Kyle and I got married on June, 25 06 in the backyard of our house in clear lake. we had about 55 people attend. sarah was my maid of honor, and chase was best man. jake got to be the ring bearer. it was like a tiki island in the suburbs. It turned out great! We have met some new friends, through my mom, and have been living a little more!... EXpeariencing new things and having fun on the party porch. Kyle is about to be 20 this month, and i will be 21 at the end of october. Woohoo!!! Jake will be the big 3 in november too! All in all things are going well. My mom, ben, brandi, and i just went to the Nickleback concert on august 25. It was such a good show, and sooo worth the pit passes! I have to crash now so i can get up in the morning. Byes

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