Have I fallen yet?

Dec 28, 2004 14:58


Name: Jenny
Age: 14
Grade: 3rd Year...10th
Occupation: Student
Location: Scotland, UK
How did u think of your user name: It's my email address which my friend brought up. My name is jen and well...i love glamourous things, like myself..haha lol


Color: Pink
Movie: Thirteen
Show: The Simpsons are class
Band: I'm not really into bands but I like Ashlee Simpson, Britney, Ice Cubes latest song, Jojo
Song: I love so many songs....probably 'My Immortal' by Evanescence
Thing to do: I love to dance..I do Tap, Jazz and Highland! It's so fun!
Book: I don't have a favourite..New York Minute, I suppose
Quote: Friends are like rainbows, they're always there when you've been through a storm!
Animal:  I love kittens!


marriage: There's nothing wrong with it at all. If two people are passionately in love, whats stopping them from doing what they feel right doing! If they have feelings for eachother like any other 'couple' would, then I think they should have the right to marry!

High school
dropouts: Depends on the situation really. If it was becuase they were poor and had to drop-out to make money for a living then I can't blame them, but they are missing out! But for those who are lazy and taking advantage of it need help! If they had no other choice then it's understandable but just becuase you 'hate' school or 'can't be bothered waking up early' are completely wasting there lifes!

sex: If they both feel really confident and feel ready to make love then they should do what they intend doing. I do think making love after  your married would be more special though cos it's with the person your longing to love!

~*This or

Coke or
pepsi: Diet Coke..I'm fussy

Bitchy or slutty: Bitchy

Tall or short: Tall
Emo or rap: Emp
Pink or red: Pink
Punk or metal: Punk
Gold or silver: Gold
White or
off-white: White
or married: I'm single innit


Put a picture of your
favorite thing:


Put a picture of u if u want (but remember we don’t
rate on looks):
Sorry I have none!

Promote to at least 2 people and put the link
Sorry, I can;t find the banners! Sorry!
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