Mother of all Wind Storms

May 10, 2006 09:07

We had a wind storm last night.

OMG this thing was awful! You couldn't see across the street due to the dust. The kids were even scared! The wind Moved the swing set. Now, this thing is big, heavy and sturdy. Bob can stand on it without it wiggling- and the wind moved it about 3 feet!

There was a debate about where to set up my greenhouse, but I think the wind settles it. I was goign to put it on the north side of the house (not shadowed by the house- so it would get full sun) but now I'm thinking I will need to put it on the east side of the barn, just to block it from the wind! The only benefit to that location is that the swing set will be right in front of me while I play with plants, so I can watch the kids.

*************Edited to add: Correction. The wind knocked over the swingset completely.
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