this is wanting something, this is praying for it.

Jan 05, 2007 18:20

good things:

i found two songs for both auditions when we get back. just have to get the sheet music/karaoke.
going to friday's tonight. excited.
i've actually been enjoying myself this winter break. i'm surprised.
my second article is in today's showtime section. =D
i sang today. i haven't sung in AGES. it was such a release. it's a pretty primitive thing to do, creating sound. i felt that today.

bad things:
still haven't found a monologue for the kiddie's play.
aunt theresa is still in residence at my house.
spamalot is the same night as alana's quince. =[
i still dunno what to wear to kim' sweet 16.
we go back to school

favorite song of the day: the beauty is - light in the piazza.
so beautiful. such striking lyrics. i can't get enough. i've heard it a million times and still love it.

i've seriously become unhealthily addicted to ANTM. the marathon ends tonight, so i'll be FREE! i love that show to death. and i'm not the only one.

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