... and the horse you rode in on

Sep 15, 2007 00:39

Okay, this is it. Lock up your daughters, tie down your sons, the impossible is happening: Djinn is going to say something political.

I'm sick of men saying that women are equal to men and feminists need to shut up while:
  1. Women are still stigmatized for being sexual beings. (If you sleep around, you're a slut! If you're a woman, anyway.)
  2. Domestic roles as still seen as the realm of women, regardless of other factors. (I can't belive she doesn't stay at home with her kids! What about her husband? He could stay home, too.)
  3. Advertising directed at women still constantly emphasizes the need to be 'feminine'. (who says what is or isn't feminine? Ad campaigns designed by men? Who says my shit-kicking boots aren't 'feminine' ... I'm female, aren't I?)
  4. Men still view sex as something that they are entitled to get from women if they are 'nice', or if they spend money. You aren't entitled to shit.
  5. Men continue to dismiss feminist concerns with things like 'But women are in control! I mean, we're lead around by our dicks, right? Harharhar!' (Women are not defacto sexual objects. If you are saying the only reason you pretend to value women is because you want to sleep with them, you are disgusting.)
  6. The 'boys will be boys' mentality is still alive and well. ('Well, yes, he slept with five other women during our marriage but, haha, you know how boys are ...' Gender is not an excuse or mitigating factor for any behavior.)

I don't think I can stomach continuing, but you get the picture. You want a better explanation? Try Heartless-Bitches.com or I Blame the Patriarchy, because I'm done being political for the year.

That is all.


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