Aug 10, 2005 17:52

Well, Mark came into the mansion twice today. The second time was pretty normal - although he did have to deal with his wife crying uncontrollably and me on the verge of tears. Why the tears? Mark's FIRST visit.

See... he was already here when I got there, but... I don't know how - he was 23. End of July, 1995. Which means...

I had just died less than two months before. Roger had JUST gotten out of the hospital. And Mark...

God, it was awful. He yelled at me... and he was crying... and... *takes a deep shaky breath* His eyes... I swear I will never forget the look in his eyes. Never. I honestly think the only reason he held on until Roger got better was because he knew Roger NEEDED him.

On a much MUCH brighter note... Yero loves me. Yero now lives with me. Thank you Mark and Elphie!

desperate fans

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