Apr 30, 2005 21:36

Busy week... I had a nice talk with Ali the other night...and a bit of a breakdown that Elphie and Maureen both (seperately) helped me through.

Roger? Baby? I...We need to talk.


I didn't really want to do this in public...because of my answer to the first question, mostly. It's not something that needs to be said out loud at the moment.

- What do you love the most in the world?
Hm...they say "what", not "who", but mine is most definately a "who"...I love Roger Davis more than life itself...not that I'm alive anymore. And...he's not mine to love, anymore. But I still love him. So much.

- What never fails to make you happy?
Well...there's this song...*smiles softly* I believe it's called "Lullaby of Broadway", and a certain dear friend of mine always sang it to Roger, or Maureen, or me when we were upset... I actually sing it to myself sometimes, but it doesn't make me as happy as when this certain friend sings it.
Thank you, friend.

- What is your most wonderful memory?
I know most anyone would give a memory of something they did with their love or significant other...but my most vivid, wonderfully wonderful memory is of this one time early in the last November I was alive, when Mark dragged me out to Central Park, and we played on the swingset and the see-saw and the 'go-round, and we finally ended up laying opposite each other on the 'go-round, spinning REALLY slowly and watching the leaves fall from the trees, and our heads were right next to each other and we just talked. And he told me that he really wanted to ask Maureen out, but he was afraid to, because he was afraid he wouldn't be able to make her happy.
THAT is my most wonderful memory.

desperate fans

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