Jul 14, 2005 13:32
Well, Jay bought Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow for me, and this is the first time that I have been able to pull myself away from it long enough to write anything. It's crazy cuz I have never been a gamer, but I can't break myself away from it long at all, but there's good news on the homefront. Well, I think the whole thing with Mel died down. Jay says she's a kid who doesn't know what she wants, and he says he wouldn't try anything with her anyway. He says he would like to see where we go first. I'm really happy, and I've also realized that Mel just wants attention, and it doesn't matter if it's from him or not as long as it's from a male. Jay knows this, and he has for a long time. I think he knew that I just needed to see it. Well I did, and funny, she hasn't called him in a few days because she's wrapped up in some new guy. That's what made it so clear for me. Things are really going great for us, now that I'm not busy worrying about Mel. I see that now things are progressing quite nicely for us, and in their own time, things will go great for us. I'm really truly seeing something serious on the horizon, and he is too. So, I can rest easy! Things are going to work out just fine. P.S. Thank you so much for the advice and the shoulder Jo. I needed the advice, but thankfully not the shoulder. I'm hoping I won't need to cry on it for a while, but I know it will always be there for me incase I do need it. Thank you Jo, for being the most loyal and loving friend I have!