Blind Date - ShouxHiroto, ToraxSaga (onesided) - Ch8/??

Jan 17, 2014 21:37

Title: Blind Date
Chapters: 8/??
Author: fallen_am_i
Genre: Romance, comedy, slice of life, AU
Warnings: Boylove, silliness, scenes of sexual intercourse, but that will come later, language
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairing: ShouxHiroto, ToraxSaga (onesided)
Synopsis: Love is blind, really blind, even on blind dates. Some times it is so blind, that you might have fallen for someone who is not whom you think to be...
Disclaimer: I own the story only...
Coments: A big thank you to xme_chanx for beta reading :3

Chapter 8:

Shou sighed softly as he strode around the offices, holding tightly a bag in his arms. It was Friday, last day of the week and also his day off, lucky him, unlike the people running up and down in stress inside that company. Whispers and mumblings, pieces of paper ruffling and a bold, lively talk that was occurring in an office ahead of him.

“So, I believe we can achieve more if-”

Shou knew this voice well. Bossy and confident, like a leading figure in a company of that range should be. It was still little surprising though, how a shy person could change in mere years. When he had met him for the first time he was blushing all the time and weary with everyone Tora knew. Saga , that is...

“I am not going to accept anything lower from my team! Our client asked for-”

They hadn't talked since that afternoon that the brunet found out his secret. It was a cruel conversation anyway and Shou had pushed it a lot. The reason he arrived in the company was already tough and that bold, demanding voice was only making things more difficult. He moved to the door, close enough to be noticed, yet far enough to not distract the meeting.

“As you see in the chart...”

Saga paused. He had seen him, acknowledging his presence with a tiny nod before his words filled the room with numbers and suggestions once again. Twenty minuted passed and the honey-blond was still on the outside, though it seemed like he didn't mind all that waiting. Confronting a hurt friend was a hard task, and especially this one. His breath was cut short as a horde of people exited the office, leaving Saga alone on his desk, busy with signing papers.

“Don't just stay out there... except if you like the view...”

Shou gulped and walked in, letting the bag drop on the floor as he sat on a chair across to him.


“Don't you have work today? You don't usually pass by at these hours...”

“I came to talk.”

“Unfortunately I am really busy right now... I can call you later or we can meet another time.”


The ink stopped running on the paper, forming words and elegant lines. It was the first time that day that the brunet decided to look back at him, staring intently at Shou's wide orbs and then at the bag next to his feet.

“I told you I don't need that...”

“I don't care!” Surprise was painted all over Saga's features as he heard that voice raising up. Shou's knuckles were white from clenching on his knees. “I know I was harsh with you that last time, okay? But I didn't do it to hurt you!” He huffed, rubbing his head in frustration. “I know that-”

“It's tiring...” Saga huffed, dropping the pen his was holding, as if it was burning his fingertips.

“No! But you...” Shou licked his lips, not knowing really how to act. “You never talk about it... Not even Nao, though he makes sure to rub it in your face every time...”

“Every fucking time!” Delicate fingers moved to massage the brunet's temples and his eyes closed slowly. Apparently he was trying to follow one of the barman's suggestions, the no cursing one. And guess what, it was not going that well... “And talk about what? How much of a loser I am?” He sighed. “You all know this already, even me, even Tora!”

Tora... The name had a different sound on Saga's lips. Full, bold, like the most meaningful word.

“Maybe...” Shou started hesitantly, considering carefully his next words. “Maybe it's time to move on? I know that talk is easier than actual acts but...” He sighed, alarmed by Saga's expression. “He never found out, right?”

“And he never will...” Brown locks darkened Saga's face as the man focused his sight back to the papers on his desk. Contracts, new campaign ideas, possible new co-workers. He knew he had a life, yet he was ignoring it. Everything was a shade of black, white and gray to him, since that man appeared and stole all the colors. A tiger that surely knew how to rip hearts out.

A decision would be a good start, Shou was right. But there was a lot of hesitation inside him, fear even, and that could be understandable. Every new path in life hides wonders and traps and there is always a risk and a bet at every step someone would make.

“I know how things are, and how things can change...” Saga finally spoke again. “But thoughts and actions are divided by a long gap...” he hummed, looking at the clothes bag with less hostility than before. “Look, I know what you meant and what not that afternoon, and I never break promises. So, your secret is safe with me...” He licked his lips nervously, but his expression was softer. “I am not angry with you so you can relax, okay? We are fine.” He tried to smile. “But I still don't need this... You can take it back to buy something for you or your boyfriend... I am not such a dick to take full advantage of the situation...”

“We were looking for hours Saga!” Shou spoke a little louder, though no trails of anger were visible. “Do you have a sense of time? I could be with Hiroto instead of spending my time with you for nothing!” He looked at his friend's figure, who was totally avoiding eye contact. The honey-blond sucked in a big breath. If damn Saga was less stubborn, everything would be way easier, even his uncharacteristic relationship with Tora.

“What if...” the man pushed the bag slowly towards Saga's desk, trying a different method to approach him. “What if I gave you a nice and early birthday present then? For... the next three years?” he laughed, feeling relieved as the brunet seemed to loosen up. “Wear this and go impress everyone, okay?” he chuckled. “And promise that you will try to move on, for your own good...” There was a gleam of care in Shou's brown eyes and he knew that the other had noticed it. The proof was in the way Saga bit his lips and shrugged, showing bits of confusion and the will to surrender.

“Okay...” he said finally, earning a light grin by the honey-blond. “I'll accept it and wear it tomorrow, happy now?” But of course he was. “Now do me a favor and get going!” Saga chuckled for the first time that day. “I need to sort out work before I think about parties!”

Shou could only smile as he stood up obediently. Everything was okay between the two and he had even helped a little Saga to think about moving on, that was enough of achievement. He wore his coat and got ready to go.

“And if anything good happens, let me know!”

“Don't be stupid, nothing will happen!”

“Only if you say so...”

A loud laugh echoed as Shou left, buzzing irritatingly in Saga's ears. As if Nao was not enough, he now has another friend to play the wise man, though pretending to be somebody else was not wise at all... The brunet huffed, sinking his sight in thick paperwork. He was not going to care about his looks for a stupid party! Or... was he?

With a swift move he stood up, taking the contents of the bag out hesitantly. A suit dark red, a little flashy -like Shou's general taste- but oh so classy and neat, sexy even... He shot a glance at the closed door and and pulled the fabric close to his body, examining it again. It was made for him, he would look really, really handsome in that one...

“And here I am, thinking like a schoolboy...” he laughed softly and pulled the cloth back in the bag. But hat didn't stop him from imagining and thinking. He had already decided that he was going to that party in the red suit, trying to have fun and... He shook his head.

“Whatever fate decides...” he sighed and sat back down, wearing his strict expression again for the rest of his working hours.



Saga frowned, gulping down sloppily a drink he was supposed to enjoy. There were many stupid things he could do in just a night: Drinking like mad, act silly, flirting with his boss, anything that could bring his status lower than the ground in front of all those co-workers and clients. But right then, as he was sulking in a tiny, dark corner,all of those seemed fine, acceptable, better than what he decided to do in the end. Inviting Tora to the party. Of course he could find reasons behind that action of his, some of them logical and some squinted at the very back of his mind. He needed some company to keep close and maybe gossip a little with? Maybe yes... Then, he wanted a certain someone to see him in that sexy outfit, even though he wouldn't be noticed once again. There was that stupid need to show to that person that he could be desirable, just to satisfy his insecurities, to draw those hazel eyes on him, even if for a second.

“Why are you shoved in here?” The voice close to his ear made Saga jump, almost choking on his drink as he turned his head right, face tomato-red.

“Because I am... fine here?”

A shake of the head. “You look scared to death! Come on Saga...” A friendly pat on the back. “All those nice things -food, drinks, music- are here because your company tried hard. So enjoy it and take part in the celebration, will you?” A sly smirk followed, along with words that made the poor brunet's legs wobbly like jelly.

“You are gorgeous tonight...”

Saga gasped, freezing in place as a strong hand moved from his back to his waist in a slowly, torturously slow rhythm.


Was it true, or just another fantasy? But gain, the body warmth as they got closer was real, the tickling on his nose from stray strands of dark hair was real, as also was the hot breath on his cheek as Tora was leaning closer. Saga was freaking out as the other remained close, well-shaped lips almost brushing his ear on a bare whisper. The brunet close his eyes, waiting to hear the words e was craving for, all along.

“You know I...”

“Yes...” Saga cut him and licked his lips slowly. His heart was almost jumping out of his chest with every beat an he was going crazy.

“I wonder how you can play good with so many hot guys around...”

Saga blinked, his body moving roughly from another friendly pat before the taller man was out of sight again, meeting and talking to people he was not supposed to, because he was not supposed to BE there at first place.! There was no breath in the brunet's lungs as he tried to sigh, in a failed attempt to let some burden off his shoulders. Damn, he was supposed to enjoy the evening, not being depressed over it!

But again, it was his idea for Tora to tag along, even though he knew the results beforehand. It was not his first time surrendering in that mistake but somehow Saga was overlooking it. And deep inside he knew he was going to ignore it again, when the next chance would come up.

With a small mental push he moved away, daring to walk between groups of crowd, smiling and waving, to show that he was human himself and not an android of unknown origins. Not that he didn't try to follow Shou's advice, now that would be a lie! He was willing to be social, to smile friendly and approach someone, to finally remember how flirt was! What he managed to do though, well, that's a different issue. Because for flirt to exist there must exist a person of interest first, and Saga could find no one to set his eyes on for more than mere seconds. Maybe most of them were not his type, maybe there was someone pulling a large shadow above the rest of them... He licked his lips and approached his dark-haired friend, who finally was alone and drinking. Saga couldn't be sure if it was the drink or his own stupidity, but a silly idea popped in to his over-working mind.

They were at a party, right? A cool place, with interesting people and nice drinks. He was charming, cute and he could be social and friendly enough, as long as he wanted it... Surely he could move on and flirt with some other guy, but maybe, maybe he could also try and flirt with Tora, showing him another side of his character, the one the taller man kept ignoring for years. What were his possibilities? More than low... But still, that didn't slow his steps down as he approached Tora, his lips to display a smile or his trembling fingers to tap on his back gently.

“Drinking alone? How unusual...”

His smile though was soon wiped away by a gesture from Tora's hand, motioning him to stop whatever talk he was about to start.

“Not now Sagacchi... See that gorgeous man over there? He'll be sleeping on my bed tonight...”

Brown eyes moved unwillingly towards that well built, blond man, not in the least caring that their eyes met for a tiny moment of time. The stranger was obviously aiming to their side and that could explain the ridiculously sexy smile on his friend's lips.

“Average...” Saga muttered lowly, earning a disapproving snort from Tora.

“You always make me wonder about your taste in guys, Sagacchi...”

“Well...” Saga shrugged, raising his glass up and drinking, ready to move back and quit. “You never really cared to know, or you actually would, tiger...”

“What do you-” Surprise was mirrored all over hazel eyes and curiosity was waking up loudly in his mind. But of course that lasted for only a little, for as much time as a turning of the head needs, for eyes to lock and stares to meet. And Tora was looking behind the brunet's shoulder.

“I'll remember those words to ask you later, okay? Now shoo! He is finally making his move...”

With pursed lips Saga watched as his friend took his proudest posture, wearing a grin of hidden promises as the stranger was reducing the unwanted distance between them. He knew that he should go, sulk in a small and quiet corner and get drunk, cursing Tora's night in every detail like he always did. This was but one more loss at a bet with himself, one that he should seriously stop playing. His whole body was craving for escape but that stupid brain of his wouldn't give the right order. This was pure masochism, as he was in a way used in getting hurt and couldn't do without it. He focused on his drink, ignoring Tora's small pushes and words as he remained there, numb and waiting for a meaningless conversation to start.


Saga didn't intend to look up but he did none the less, only because something unusual occurred. He blinked as a glass of champagne clanged on his own red wine and all he could see was a charming smile and dark eyes focusing boldly at him! And well, that stranger was above average from up close!

That was a really interesting turn of events. Thoughts he would never dare to make before were dancing in a wild rhythm in his head, awaking an excitement he thought long lost. He was the same desirable as Tora, he was not invisible in the end! And maybe... His eyes flickered in the low light and he faced the stranger with a smile.

“Hey yourself...”

Maybe he could finally move on...

His tone was friendly, inviting, relaxed. There was no trail of his usual, stiff and strict voice. He didn't know what exactly he was doing, yet that didn't stop him from talking, laughing, sharing a flatter or two with the handsome man, along with his phone number at the end of the night. For once his mind was filled with colours and dizzy thoughts and he was enjoying it!

But he was too dizzy to notice a tall shadow rising from next to him, moving away silently and getting lost in the depths of the evening. And most of all, Saga was too busy to notice that great irritation on thin lips and hazel eyes, glowing since the moment he took his attention away from him...


A/N: Hello there once again... Been a while huh? Vacations were around the corner and my program was filled with sister's arrival and relatives and knitting and w/e, so I got a little sidetracked, nothing unusual as you might already know... But here i am and see here, someone had some really interesting reactions, huh? xD I hope you enjoy it guys xD also, i think we are reaching an end slowly, this story will be around 15 chapters total or so...
Comments are always appreciated :3

shou x hiroto, tora x saga

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