Blind Date - pairings TBA - Ch1/??

Mar 08, 2013 01:26

Title: Blind Date

Chapters: 1/??

Author: fallen_am_i

Genre: Romance, comedy, slice of life, AU

Warnings:Boylove, silliness, scenes of sexual intercourse, but that will come later

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Pairing: T.B.A.

Synopsis: Love is blind, really blind, even on blind dates. Some times it is so blind, that you might have fallen for someone who is not whom you think to be...

Disclaimer: I own the story only...

Coments: A big thank you to xme_chanx for beta reading :3

Chapter 1:

“So, tell me more about it!”

Shou plopped on his back on Tora's bed, enjoying his swinging up and down on the soft, flexible mattress. When it finally stopped he rested his cheek on his hand, watching as the other was trying to choose the right shirt for his black jeans.

“You know that music forum that I am a member at, right?” Dark hair shaded his face as Tora turned back a bit to face his friend with a smirk on his face. “I met him there... We like same bands, have similar opinions... He sounds interesting and we flirted a little bit, so... we finally decided to meet up!”

“Oh...” Shou nodded in understanding. “And, surprise! You'll go with black again!” he giggled, giving an approving look at the T-shirt Tora decided to wear. “Then tell me... Is he hot?” he winked, making his friend sigh in confusion, as far as he could discern from the mirror.

“I... I don't know... That's why I need you today with me Shou, please!”

“Wait, wait!” Shou raised a brow. “How am I getting involved in your date and how can't you know if he's hot or not?”

“Well...” Tora spent some time to fix his hair, stretching his pause a little more. “I...”

“I'm leaving!”

“No!” he shouted stressed, his brows furrowing in anger when he understood that Shou was just teasing him. “I just don't okay? I've never seen him...”

“What???” his friend facepalmed. “You'll have a date with a guy you've never seen? Dammit Tora, that's why photos and webcams are for!”

“We wanted to keep it in a romantic state! We wanted to keep our impression based in our talks and characters and-okay, it was his idea...” Tora finally confessed in front of Shou's teasing chuckle. He was not known about his romantic side, quite the contrary. The dark-haired man was known about changing lovers faster than clothes! “I don't really agree with that but I want to meet him!” he bit his lips as he was checking the last details on him, satisfied. “The only thing want you to do is to come and sit with me till he comes and check him. If he is good looking you let us be, drink whatever you want -it's on me- and then you are free. If he is not, then you give me a sign to hide and you leave or drink whatever you want -it's on me- and then you are free again! Not that difficult, right?”

Shou gave it some thought. The task he had to do was rather easy and a free drink sounded like a good deal, but he didn't like Tora's actions. He was already thinking that the whole situation was immature and his friends plan was adding more in to it.

“You know, Tora...” he started hesitantly, putting the right words in order to reject his friends request as kindly as he could, “You got yourself mixed in that and it's not my job really... You should talk to him!”

“No! Shou please, don't do that to me!” stressed was written all over Tora's forehead as he rushed to the bed, sitting right next to his friend. “I have no one else to ask and I really need your help... Please, just this once!”

“No one else? Yeah, right!” the honey blond a snorted. “What about Saga then? Or Nao! Yes! Nao is the best choice! He can do it while at work!”

“As if!” Tora protested boldly. “Nao will start his mind-reading again, his philosophies that I am blind and I cannot see what's in front of me! He is getting on my nerves sometimes...” he whined. “As of Saga...” he let out a small growling sounds, showing his anger with his best friend for years. “He is on his 'period' again. Oh don't laugh Shou! You are so lucky that he is always all sweet and kind around you, all I get is bitching!”

He let a confused sigh and searched for his cigarettes as Shou gulped a chuckle back on his throat. It was always like this. Tora was dense and indifferent with anyone he knew, family, friends and lovers. Except Saga. Saga's opinion could kick him under the belt and it was always of that type. He was affecting him too much, but still not enough to make the dark-haired man grow up a little.

“He told me I am an idiot for going out on blind dates and that he had a party to attend...” he paused to take a long drag of his cigarette. “He also told me to fuck off but he took that one back, saying he would never give me such a wish! What a best friend he is!”

“Shou laughed out loud, hearing Tora complaining passionately about their friend. He had a bitter feeling inside him though, because he knew the reason why Saga was so blunt with Tora. He also knew that Saga wouldn't appreciate the decision he was going to make, but he was cornered anyway.

“Okay, I'll come!” he said, moving metaphorically a white flag at his friend. “But there will be two free drinks or forget about me!”

“Whatever you want!” Tora almost jumped on him in excitement. “I'll owe you forever! Now go dress up and meet me at the bar in half an hour!”

“Wait!” Shou stopped his enthusiasm again. “How will I recognize him?”

“Easy!” Tora grinned. “He'll bring his favorite CD with him! There won't be many guys holding CD's, will there?”

Shou's head tilted curiously on the side, “Are you really going to do this?”

The dark haired man just smirked, showing him his favorite CD of Korn.

“Oh my god!” loud laughs echoed in the room. “This thing gets lamer and lamer! I can imagine Saga's expression when you told him about the date!”

“No, you can't...” More smoke came out from Tora's pierced lips. “He was scary!” He made a hilarious grimace, making Sou laugh even harder, “Now go and dress up! And don't dare to slack off!” he warned seriously before he showed his friend the door.

“Hey, you are the one slacking off usually, not me!” he teased and got out, heading home, right at the end of the square. He still couldn't believe that he let Tora drag him in to this shit, but he was a friend, so for once he would tolerate it. And who knew, maybe that prick could be funny for him too. He had his drinks if nothing else...


So, there Shou was forty minutes later at one side of the bar, drinking on Tora's treat and watching the door in waiting. As always Tora had delayed a little but right then he was sitting on a table with low light, as far away from Nao as he could, alarmed for any sign from the other. His fingers were tapping the CD on his knees, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Shou still couldn't believe that this was actually happening! That blind date kept sounding to him like a really stupid idea! He didn't know what kind of guy that so called 'Pon' was and he couldn't stop thinking about how ugly this story could end for his friend. Though Tora wouldn't listen to him anyway...

“This is for you...” A new drink was offered in front of him and the barman pointed at his dark-haired friend. The honey blond mouthed a thank you at him, who nodded back smiling.

“He is planning something tonight, am I mistaken?” a new voice brought him back to reality again. A voice belonging to a man with short blank hair, chubby face and a beautiful, charming smile. The most famous bartender in that certain gay-bar and a close friend, Nao.

Shou laughed, always surprised with the way Nao was always dead on in his guesses. “How did you know this time?” He grinned and leaned with interest on the bar, curious to hear his friend's deduction.

“Child's play!” Nao laughed loudly and showed the table where Tora was sitting. “He is avoiding me, more than the usual I mean! Also...” he paused to check around one more time, “Sagacchi is not around...”

Nao was right. It was common logic that Tora and Saga was usually inseparable, and being apart could mean only one thing. A big argument had occurred between them.

“That man really is blind...” Nao sighed and shook his head, looking at Tora, who was more than sure that the other two were talking about him.

New customers came and the bartender excused himself, heading at the other side of the bar to assist them. Shou focused back on his drink when he noticed the dark-haired man nodding rather lively at him. He was pointing at himself and then at the toilet. Shou laughed and grabbed the CD as Tora gave it to him with a swift move and focused on the door, slightly bored. That night seemed long and tiring, it was unfair! Tora was going to have fun while he did all the dirty work and right then Shou wandered how Saga could keep with that man like that!

But then, in just a snap of time, all of his thoughts went blank. There was no reason to whine anymore, to feel sad or angry. Only good emotions could invade his insides as his brown eyes widened in surprise, a pleasurable one, his mouth hanging open and his whole body going mad. The bar's door had opened slowly and a young man entered, the most impressive figure Shou had ever seen till then. He was small, with bleached and perfectly styled blond hair, beautiful sparkling brown eyes that were looking observantly around and well shaped full lips, carved in a sweet smile. In his white T-shirt and black trousers he looked so simple yet so enticing at the same time. And if Shou was not mentally slapping himself to come back to earth, he would notice sooner than he did the object that charming man was carrying with him. A CD.

No way! Was that hot guy the Pon Tora was talking about? He snorted in disbelief. That stupid tiger was clearly a lucky man! The blond boy moved closer to the bar, looking for a certain someone and Shou felt like losing it! Though the truth is that he had already lost it since that man stepped in the beer. He blinked countless time -his trade mark when he was stressed- and he suddenly jerked up, with the CD of Korn glued in his grasp. The shorted guy noticed him, smiling widely and getting closer with confident moves.

Maybe it was the loud music and low lights, the drinks or his own stupidity, he didn't really know, but his body was acting on its own and it was acting the wrong way. Completely wrong.

“Are you Tora?” a soft voice made him shiver close to his ear, as the guy moved next to him. And boy, he was even better from that close!

Shou's fingers were tightened around the CD's plastic cover and sweat started running behind his ears as he was forcing the right words to reach his dry mouth. No, I am a friend of his. Tora is in the toilet, he'll be back in a bit. That's what he meant to say in a kind tone, but nothing came out of his lips.


The boy smiled encouragingly, making Shou's already damaged heart skip one more bit. Even if it would stop right then, he wouldn't be able to notice it. All those feelings inside him, swirling, making his stomach throb and his veins pump madly in his body, were making him more and more numb, unable to control even his vocal chords when they strummed inside his throat, producing a sound he was not expecting. An unwanted one too.

“Yeah...” he muttered under his breath, nodding and staring like dumb. “I am Tora...”

“It is good to finally meet you!” the blond grinned happily. “No more Pon, you can call me Hiroto from now on!”

Shou couldn't stop a laugh on his lips in front of the others' cute face but his eyes were focused back on the bathroom's door. Sooner or later the real Tora was going to come out of there, what should he do? He gulped hard and felt stress taking over the best of him, making Hiroto looking at him in caution. What the hell did he just do and why?

Shou was screwed.


A/N: I am back and determined to write again! So, since my BITD notebook is at a friend's hands reading it, i'll be posting for some time a new story i've been writing... I decided to come back on happier stories, so here is the result of my stupidity xD I hope you guys enjoy it, and yes, this time i will post soon! Exams are over for now and i have 3 months to myself! :3333 Enjoy xD
Comments are always apreciated :3
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