The thoughtful soul to solitude retires (Omar Khayyam)

Oct 18, 2004 09:39's Monday. It's very early. I've been here half the day already. And i've spent the whole time filling out a "standard European CV".

Work is complete shyte at the moment. They've decided that of the 170 "temporary agents" (this means "plebs" in office speak)they were going to chuck out, they're going to be "super kind" and give us an opportunity to stay : yay them!.

What this means in reality is that I've got to apply for MY post, fill out forms and CV's, study like a bitch, sit a written exam, sit an oral exam in front of a "board" (is this like a piece of board?, a card-board? eh??) all for the chance of being one of 6 (yes SIX!!) people to get an indefinite contract, or one of 8 (yes EIGHT!!) to get a renewal of my contract until the external "competition" to become a civil servant (which entails MORE studying for the possibility of keeping my post, but this time I will be up against 4000 peeps, instead of just 170). Either way, it's all arse. Yes, i want to keep my job, desperately: jeez I get paid HUGE amounts of money for doing sfa. But...the effortttttt. It's all mind-numbingly boringly tedious and annoying.

I also have to decide what takes precedence. Ok, I already know, but it's one of those things that is continuously running through my mind. You see, the "work" exam will be at roughly the same time as my uni, do I put my mind to the work exam and worry about uni later, i.e. re-sit in September or leave for another year, OR do I plan for the rather high possibility that I won't be one of the 6, or in fact 8 and thus prepare for my uni exams, and therefore my future?. So, I know I've got to put all my efforts into the work exam..cos if i get the indefinite contract I won't have to worry about my future ever again...but the probability of being one of the 6 is sooo smallllll :S

I hate carrot dangling. It pisses me off.

Aaaaanyway...other than that, life is just peachy :) I'll be going to Oireland (or Arrrland, depending on the region) in just 1 week: yaaay! can't wait. Going to be a godmother (ick ick ick hate kids..why meeee??????). Mr C's Dad has prepared an itinerary for us *rolls eyes* listing the 634 uncles and aunts we have to visit (half-lemon-on-the-knob trick didn't have the contraceptive properties they hoped then huh?)in the week we are there. I suggested we just tell everyone we're going to be at a certain pub on a certain day and anyone who wants to meet us should just turn up. That suggestion went down like a bag of hammers and we now have a "list". ah well. i'm sure it'll be great.

Well, i'm going to get back to work. Behave people.
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