
Jan 19, 2007 21:27

ive been thinking alot. And i have always loved el paso, but after being here for a bit and thinking i feel theres nothing there for me (other than friends). Ive moved on, from my feelings that moving back is what i want, so next summer, i will be leaving texas to hopefully never return the the 2 top choices are Denver and Seattle ( leaning more towards seattle ive always wanted to move there ever since i was little) hopefully go to school or learn to tattoo. what i want to do with my life is still up in the air but i cant do it in the small places of the country i feel i need a place big enough to hold me and not holding back. i hopefully will be visiting elpaso in early feb.

I really miss my friends here, but ive been keeping it on the dl here which has been saving me money. i love all you guys, someone should come visit me :)

Love yah too baby
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