May 04, 2005 22:23
Alright, I forgot to mention this, and trust me I'll be sure to mention it again, but I'm considering gathering a group of kids together to come with me to Best Buy to get the new OK Go CD the day it comes out. Why Best Buy? Best Buy is fucking AWESOME! It is soo the only store that is completely worth the 45 minute drive. Why the day it comes out? That's just how I roll, kiddies...
SO... If you are interested in this little outing to Best Buy, be it for the CD or just the store in general, be sure to contact me. You know how. You could comment here, you could IM me, you could email me, you could cell it, ORRR you could actually come up to me in (gasp!) PERSON!!!
Now, I'm not sure how The Mom feels about all this, so nothing is definate at this point (except that fact that we ARE going the DAY it comes out. She has nooo say in that...) but I'm sure she'll agree to bringing some folks along. Since I'm her favorite. Also, I never ask for ANYTHING, and we're going anyway. Who knows, maybe we could catch a movie a la Movies 10, even. And maybe we could Wendy's it up. Also, a few rules about this trip. I get radio privelages (unless the sisterly one is there... Then we're all fucking screwed... Also, I think I spelt that word wrong. I don't know. I don't really care, quite honestly. But hey. It's there.) and since we'll be on our way to OK Go it up, we'll probably prepare for it by listening to the first album. 'Cause we're cool like that. And THEN after making said purchase we'll probably listen to that on for the rest of the trip. Annnd... I suppose purchasing the new CD is not required by all who attend the outing, but really, it would be nice...
SO. If you are at all interested in this trip you need to contact me at one point in the future. 'Cause, whoa, do I ever plan ahead.