Now, personally, I'd like to think that my musical taste has improved since my days as a giddy, Backstreet Boys obsessed! eleven through thirteen year old, but I have to admit that I do still have a soft spot for a certain degree of crappy nineties pop music. That degree? Soul Decision. Please, if you manage to stop laughing hysterically, give me a chance to explain myself. You see, I was going through my old mix CD's the other day, and I stumbled upon 'Faded.' Do you remember 'Faded'? A sad, yet awesome attempt at being dirty in a kid-friendly way. I mean, the song opens with the line, "When I get you all alone I'm gonna take off all your clothes..." (depending upon what version you have, of course...). I remember in the sixth grade that was SCANDALOUS! We were all shocked! Absolutely horrified by that lyric! But that was also the year when Shaggy's 'It Wasn't Me' came out, so we couldn't have been too horrified by it. Whatever. It ruled. And guess what. It still does. C'mon! They had some catchy tunes. 'Ohh It's Kinda Crazy'? 'Gravity'? They were awesome. Fucking. Awesome. Besides, their lead singer Trevor (don't ask me why I remember his name... I really couldn't tell you...) was really hot.
Yes, I am a loser. Please stop laughing.
Anyways, speaking of music, after a long period of time of, well, me dropping it, my CD player appears to be well on it's way to death. Yes, that's right. My CD player is dying. Which means that I'm either going to have to come up with enough money to purchase a new, somewhat decent one (whether temporary or not), or I'm going to have to actually endure listening to people when they speak to me. A terrible fate, I know. Le sigh. This sucks. But hey, as long as it's still sort of functioning I'm set, I guess. I'll just ignore the fact that it's literally falling apart.
And in other music news Nic, Lizzy, and I are officially in a band. I'm not sure what our bands name is... I think at one point it was Circumpolar, because, well... That's an awesome word. We're going to rule. Nic's our guitarist because he wanted to be. I'm the drummer (I'm the only one with a drum set. Hell, I'm the only one with any instrument at all.)! And Lizzy, despite her complete lack of a bass guitar, is our bassist, and occasionally our singer. Why occasionally? Because we figure we're just going to occasionally scream out select lyrics, and I'll make creepy/fun noises every now and then (something we decided when I was "singing" (you can't really sing to an instrumental) along to some classic rock in art class...). We'll have three albums. At one point we'll lure Ricky Martin into the band because he sells records to, well, people like my mother apparently. And if we can't lure him in we'll just put his face on the album cover. Tensions will rise when Lizzy, our resident jerk, keeps showing up late for shows and, at one point, as a result of anger, screams "I'm Lizzy Schuhart, I don't have to take this!", throws a vase, and storms out of the room. After our third album (during the recording of which we were desperately trying to hold things together) we will go our separate ways. Nic will release a solo album. Lizzy, who has developed a Heroine/Painkillers addiction over the years, will check herself into rehab, only to escape weeks later. And I, well... I don't really remember what I get to do (It seems like at one point I develop a cocaine addiction...?), but I do know that at one point I'm going to rob a bank. Lizzy will be my get away driver, with her crappy beat up Volvo as our get away car. But her bottles of painkillers littered all over the vehicle will make it impossible for us to drive away, and we'll be arrested and sent to rehab again. After we're cleaned up and such, we'll contact Nic, who has been doing just fine on his own, and we'll all agree on getting the band back together. As a result we'll launch our reunion tour and people will know that we mean business. Will it all stay together this time? I don't remember. But God, will it rule!
I seriously hope you don't think that our band will ever actually exist, or do any of those things, but I do personally feel that it would make a really good "awesome in a crappy way" mockumentary. Because my movie-writin' self thinks about these things.
And speaking of movie-writin' (wow! These transitions, today... They're smooooth!), I've come to the conclusion that, of everything (EVERYTHING!) I've ever written, be it sane or not,
PotEC: The Movie has got to be the greatest. I mean, as outlandish as the whole thing is, you have to admit it rules. It's the only thing I'm actually proud of. I mean, sure only a few select people at school have read it, but those who have have offered it hefty praise. Even people who didn't read it intentionally have enjoyed it's creepy humor. Like that time when Nic took the binder to health class... He said that Ashley McCaslin (who is awesome anyways) praised it, and even Caitlin Gordinier (who, well... ew... she's a bitch...) said it was good. And she HATES me! So if you people have any sense you'll click that link there and go see it's glory. And actually read it, too. Because it rules. A particular favorite scene of mine is scene three. And also scene eight. Go see them. They're awesome. And then sign the guestbook to let me know you were there... But anyways, all shameless plugging aside, I've been trying to finish writing scene eighteen (for a long time now, but that's because there was a huge mishap involving the loss of the scene as well as the (awesome!) extra scene). And you know what I realized? I'm really creepy. The whole scene so far is packed with sex jokes (you know me... if there's a chance for a dirty joke or a clever play on words I'm all over it...) and for the first few (I use that term very loosely...) pages Simon is stuck in a hole. And he won't shut up about it. Also, he has a really creepy fantasy about John at one point. Oh, I'm sorry? Are you confused? Did I not explain the general plot of the movie? Well, it pretty much consists of Duran Duran as pirates! Why? I think it all spouted from the idea that, hey! John would make a fucking hot pirate. Uhm. Simon's in love with John, Nick at one point goes insane (he is of course later lured back to sanity with a puppy...), and there are lots and lots of tacos. While you're checking my movie out you should go over to Nic's site and check out some
HHGHGB glory. Because we're cool like that.