Feb 13, 2007 01:22
I like the word midnight, for now.
I don't know if anyone will ever be able to correctly understand or analyze human behavior or emotion.
It would be great if people could exchange their eyes. Then I could understand things in a different way sometimes. It would also answer a question I have about whether or not all people see the same things in the same way. Really, at this point, there is no actual way to know.
It's strange, really, how people function. It's interesting how a smell triggers a feeling, which triggers an emotion, which triggers an action, and the cycle continues. Had one thing not happened, some people would have never made the worst mistakes of their lives. Should one thing fail to happen, perhaps somebody is missing the best thing that could ever happen in their life. Tracing things back to their origins, analysis and synthesis, deductive reasoning...seems like a lot of these things either take too much time in the moment, only work well in hindsight, or require a reaction before an explanation can occur.
I want to find god in the really real world. That would be neat. I could then say, at least, that I have one over Newton.