( because i know you; alternatively, CALLING ALL WICKED FANS )

Jan 05, 2009 22:06

Guys guys guys. For my English coursework I'm writing a review of Wicked. However, it's not going to be the kind of review detailing the show, the people and the awards/money/broken records. It's going to be much more personal, so my question to you guys is: what does Wicked mean to you? How has it changed your life - in terms of friendships, personality, general lifestyle - what has the show done for you?

Also, as a bonus: how do you think it has changed the world of theatre/musical theatre, if at all?

I literally need a sentence or two at the most. I'm also leaving this public, so you can pimp it out, and comments are screened in case you want to tell me something deeply personal. In all likelihood, any comments I choose to include in my review will be anonymous (though you will, somehow, be credited in a bibliography).

college: coursework, theatre: wicked

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