Any one...?

May 06, 2005 20:57

Hey all,

Well it's finally the weeked I've been dreading. The weekend of Uni assginment/English assignment/Homework catch up and yeah not to mention squeezing sleep in there somewhere o.0

Any way, as I'm a top procrastinator *along with Juin, yeah and stomp on your damn screening system lmao*, it's Friday night and if I was wise (which clearly I'm not) I'd be doing something productive to ease the weekend drama that will be occuring over Sat and Sun. But yes, I sit here bludging and I should be heading for bed soon as I have to work all day, 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. So joy to that, at least there is the $$$ factor which in my book is an A+ at this point of time. Okay moving on, for my English assignment it's a creative writing piece on Post-Colonial lit and is based on the White people treating those of "another" colour (I'm not trying to offended any one therefore the " " around another is there cause I don't believe in other colour's or any of that crap) a different way. The point of the story is to switch it around. Let the White people be forthcoming and accept the Africans for who they are. Bascially, I have to have it finished and editted by Sunday night, ready to hand in Monday. I have to do this as well as my Uni essay so that's going to be heaps of fun. Besides the point, jee I'm getting off the topic way too many times.

My basic request:

Is anyone interested in reading my Post-Colonial piece, edit it and give me back some feedback? I'll let you know all the details surrounding what needs to be done in order to fulfil the requirements of the assignment. So if anyone is at all interested please leave a comment on my Journal with your e-mail and I'll send it out to you a.s.a.p. I know this is a LARGE request as some of you reading this Journal (if at all any, besides Juin my dear) are in a different time zones and different times etc. But I'm trying to make Sat evening my deadline. Hopefully that helps or eases the pain. Even if you send it and I receive it Monday morning that will be cool. Any way, let me know if any one is interested and there can be more than 1 as the more that read it, the more errors are picked up and feedback is given.


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