Aug 05, 2004 09:07
When the internet totally replaces snail mail, what will stamp collectors do with themselves?
Why, they'll post on livejournal. Of course. Silly me.
It's raining here again. As per usual.
My general happiness level has been much improved by the reams of email I've been receiving these past few days. Thanks guys.
On the other hand, classes have reached an all new low. It's not that I'm going to have any difficulty passing; on the contrary, the lobotomised pace of the class is precisely the issue. It's DULL, darlings. Have spent the past week reading various novels under the desk. The day before yesterday I only bothered to show up to Japanese, my last vaguely interesting class. Yesterday I frittered away precious minutes by stippling the back of my hand with pen until it was completely black. It looked kinda cool, except that then it wouldn't wash off and I worried that I had somehow tatooed my hand. I'm having more moments of sudden dementia, and more frequently too.
I've been watching the campus Alpha (bible study) group with a kind of bemused benevolence as it tries to establish itself in a decidely hostile environment. The letters section of the student newspaper is divided between violently left-wing philosophy students slagging off religions in general and apoplectic christian fanatics with bad spelling condemning the rest to hell.
Fight hypocrisy with hypocrisy! Fight classes with apathy! And so on.
But back to my anecdote. The Alpha group have been putting up posters and signs for things likem, "Come ask your questions about God. Free Dinner." While I applauded their realistic attitude in trying to lure people in with food, I shook my head. It will never work, I thought, unless they offer free alcohol or hookers. That would be some bible study. Anyway, three days later and what do I see? The following poster:
+++***BEER AND JESUS!!***+++
Learn about our Saviour.
This was followed by the dates and location, and a little clipart of Jesus next to a little clipart of a beermug. It was, quite simply, the most eloquent summary of college life and spiritual compromise I could imagine. I would have taken one, except the bulletin boards in the engineering dept are all behind glass.
So there you go, loyal readers, the story of the day. Beautiful, isn't it.
Incidentally, where the Hell did they find Jesus clipart?
Man. That one's gonna bug me all day.If anyone finds any, let me know.