(no subject)

Feb 11, 2007 22:36

so me and my brother were watching dane cook cracking up and we got like really hyper so we go in his room and we start having a front flip contest on his bed hahahahahahah
we were dying laughing.
like crying.
we were like copying everything dane cook said and then doing the funniest shit look we have pictures haha.
excuse the wet hair and pajamas i dont care haha.

hahah count on my brother too not let me feel shitty hahahah

1. Who were you with last night?
bree and joey and alysha

2. What woke you up this morning?
my brother tickling me to death

3. Where are you?
in the office

4. What are you doing tomorrow?
not really too sure yet.

5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
just family

6. When's the last time you cried?
about everynight for the past month ha.

-The PAST-

7. Ever thrown up in public?
haha ohhh yes

8. Passed out because of alcohol?

9. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
him and the next two weeks


10. Would you take a bullet for anyone?

11. Where would you like to live?
wisconsin again

12. What kind of home would you like?
a decent one, one im happy with it doesnt have to be big and nice

13. What do you want to be when you grow up?
not really sure were im going with that

14. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?


15. Who have you kissed on your top friends?
bree, chelsea,bri,evan,boone

16. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
my little cousin

17. Are you good friends with this person?
ha hes family

18. How often do you log in to myspace?
like everday haha


19. Do you like candy necklaces?:
sure why not

20. When's the last time you fell or ran into something?

21. Do you still go trick or treating?
i try too

22. What was the last thing you ate?

23. Are you a fast typer?
faster than you

24. About how many people have you liked?
well alot im sure

25. What are you doing this weekend?
well this weekend is already over, the next one coming up im going to supercrossss wooo :)

26. Whats your favorite type of soda?
Dr Pepper im addicted

27. Have you ever moved?
yes i hate moving around

28. Have you ever won an award?

29. How many times have you been in love?
just once.

30. What do you want to do right now?
talk to him.

31. Are you listening to music right now?
keep holding on, my new anthem.

33. Whats a word or phrase that you love?
toooo many

34. How long until your birthday?
uhhhh 8 months and 11 days till im 18 god that is forver

35. When were you the saddest in your whole life?
this past year has been really hard

36. What time is it now?
10:22... my birthday haha

37. Do you think anyone will repost this?
most likly

39. Have you ever had a song written about you?
dont think so

40. What song makes you cry?
all the ones that remind me of him or us.
when you say nothing at all by allison krauss.
whisky lullaby by brad paisly and allison kraus
the kill by 30 seconds to mars
i dont want to miss a thing by aerosmith....
the list goes on and on

41. What songs makes you happy?
some songs that he played for me
my favorite right now is insurance by the higher

42. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?
i usually play the same things over and over, like i have a song for the day haha

43. Do you have a job?
yeah at pep boys

44. What does your CD player have in it right now?
the wreckers, i just got it today

45. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
cercloin blue

46. What makes you happy?
mm there are alot of things, im the kinda person that appreciates all the small things people do for me


[Eye Color:]
sometimes blue sometimes green

ive had a ton, thinking about going back for more

in 8 months ill be one tatted up little girl

[wearing right now?]
haha pajamas that dont match

[What taste is in your mouth?]
old gum.. ew

[Have a bad habit?]
yeahhh dont we all.
my worst is biting my nails.... they hurt

[ ] sucked for me
[ ] Was awesome.
[x] Was ok. It was awesome sometimes, then sucked sometimes.

2006 I...
[] Dumped someone.
[x] Was dumped.
[x] Dyed my hair
[x ] Failed a class
[x ] Had love at first sight
[ ] Snuck out of my house
[x] Stayed up all night
[x] Cried because I missed someone
[x] Missed curfew
[ x] Kissed someone who I regret kissing
[] Made honor roll
[x] Danced crazily with my friends all night
[x] Gained confidence
[x] Lost a friend(s)
[x] Gained new friends
[ x] Changed looks

2007 I want to...
[ x] Get better grades
[ ]Care less about how I look
[ ] Be crazier
[x] Keep my resolution
[ x] Be more of myself around people

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