It's been 365 days Car-Crash Hearts

Feb 02, 2011 19:20

365 days ago I sat staring at a computer crying as I read the word hiatus. These dudes up here are my life, they have got me through some really tough times and some even shittier moments. They never saved my life. We’ve never met. But they did remind me it gets better and that I should get help if I need it. These dudes brought me more joy, love, friendships and happiness then I have ever had in my whole life and I have to thank them for that. They will always hold a special place in my heart whether they are together as Fall Out Boy or whether they are apart as a solo artist, The Damned Things and Black Cards they are my boys and I will always keep them in my back pocket.

Long live the car-crash hearts because believers never die

believers never die, thoughts, i love you, fall out boy

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